Many of you probably think that the National Security Agency (NSA) and open-source software get along like a house on fire. That's to say, flaming destruction. You would be wrong.
In partnership with the Apache Software Foundation, the NSA announced on Tuesday that it is releasing the source code for Niagarafiles (Nifi). The spy agency said that Nifi "automates data flows among multiple computer networks, even when data formats and protocols differ".
Details on how Nifi does this are scant at this point, while the ASF continues to set up the site where Nifi's code will reside.
In a statement, Nifi's lead developer Joseph L Witt said the software "provides a way to prioritize data flows more effectively and get rid of artificial delays in identifying and transmitting critical information".
The NSA is making this move because, according to the director of the NSA's Technology Transfer Program (TPP) Linda L Burger, the agency's research projects "often have broad, commercial applications".
"We use open-source releases to move technology from the lab to the marketplace, making state-of-the-art technology more widely available and aiming to accelerate U.S. economic growth," she added.
The NSA has long worked hand-in-glove with open-source projects. Indeed, Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux), which is used for top-level security in all enterprise Linux distributions — Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and Debian Linux included — began as an NSA project.
More recently, the NSA created Accumulo, a NoSQL database store that's now supervised by the ASF.
More NSA technologies are expected to be open sourced soon. After all, as the NSA pointed out: "Global reviews and critiques that stem from open-source releases can broaden a technology's applications for the US private sector and for the good of the nation at large."
A few months ago, I pondered the growing gap between the way we solve problems in our day-to-day programming and the way problems are being solved by new techniques involving Big Data and statistical machine-learning techniques. TheImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challengehas seen a leap in performance with the widespread adoption of convolutional neural nets, to the point where “It is clear that humans will soon only be able to outperform state-of-the-art image classification models by use of significant effort, expertise, and time,” according toAndrej Karpathywhen discussing his own results of the test.
Is it reasonable to think or suggest that artificial neural nets are, in any way, conscious?
Integrated Information Theory (IIT), developed by the neuroscientist and psychiatrist Giulio Tononi and expanded by Adam Barrett, suggests that it is not absurd. According to this theory, the spark of consciousness is the integration of information in a system with feedback loops. (Roughly: the theory has complexities relating to systems and subsystems. And—spoiler alert—Tononi hasrecentlycast doubt on the ability of current computer systems to create the necessary “maximally irreducible” integrated system from which consciousness springs.)
It cannot be overstated how slippery consciousness is and how misleading our intuitive sense of the world is. We all know that our eyes are constantly darting from one thing to another, have a blind spot the size of the full moon, and transmit largely black-and-white data except for the 55 degrees or so in the center of our field of vision. And yet our vision seems stable, continuous, and fully imbued with qualities of color and shape. I remember my wonder when, as a child, I realized that I saw cartoons the same way whether I was sitting up or, more likely, lying down on the coach. How could that be?
Some people deny that subjective experience is a problem at all. Daniel Dennett is the clearest advocate of this view. His book“Consciousness Explained”hammers on the slipperiness of “qualia” (the “redness” of 650 nanometer electromagnetic waves, the “warmth” of 40 degrees Celsius). Dennett’s arguments are extremely compelling, but have never sufficed to convince me that there is not what David Chalmers labeled“the Hard Problem”—the problem of experience.
IIT is, at the very least, a bold attempt at a framework for consciousness that is quantitative and verifiable. A surprising (but welcome) aspect is that it allows that almost trivially simple machines could have a minimal consciousness. Such machines would not have the same qualia as us—their internal stories would not be the same as our stories, writ in a smaller font. Rather, a minimally conscious machine, whether attached to a photodiode or a thermistor, would experience a qualia of one bit of information: the difference between “is” and “not is.” I think of this as the experience of “!” (a “bang” of experience, if you will).
Such an experience is as far removed from human consciousness as the spark made from banging two rocks together is from the roiling photosphere of the sun. Your cerebral cortex has 20 billion or so deeply interconnected neurons, and on top of the inherent experiences enabled by that we’ve layered the profoundly complicating matter of language.
Tononi’s book“Phi: A Voyage from the Brain to the Soul”presents his theory in chapters featuring metaphorical dialogues between Galileo and various scientists and philosophers. In this way, it echoes portions of Douglas Hofstadter’s classic,“Gödel, Escher, Bach,”which also has positive feedback and recursion as essential ingredients of consciousness and intelligence (a theme elaborated by Hofstadter in his equally important, but less popular,“I Am a Strange Loop”).
“Phi” is Tononi’s proposed measure for integrated information, but he does not define it rigorously in his book. His paper“From the Phenomenology to the Mechanisms of Consciousness: Integrated Information Theory 3.0?is much more substantial. His“Consciousness: Here, There but Not Everywhere”paper is in between. It is in this paper that he explicitly casts doubt on a simulation as likely to have the necessary “realcausal power” of a neuron to create a “maximally irreducible” integrated system, “For the simple reason that the brain is real, but a simulation of brain is virtual.” It’s not clear to me why there would be a difference; a simulated phi seems to have simply shifted abstraction layers, not the arguments for or against its phenomenal reality.
If IIT is true, consciousness has causal power (that is, it affects the future calculations of its substrate, whether that be a brain or a machine), and our everyday programming models are fundamentally incapable of bootstrapping consciousness.
More tentatively, it may be that today’s machine architectures are incapable. If so, the recent leaps in machine learning and artificial intelligence may not continue for much longer. Perhaps another AI Winter is coming.
few months ago, I pondered the growing gap between the way we solve
problems in our day-to-day programming and the way problems are being
solved by new techniques involving Big Data and statistical
machine-learning techniques. The ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
has seen a leap in performance with the widespread adoption of
convolutional neural nets, to the point where “It is clear that humans
will soon only be able to outperform state-of-the-art image
classification models by use of significant effort, expertise, and
time,” according to Andrej Karpathy when discussing his own results of the test.
Is it reasonable to think or suggest that artificial neural nets are, in any way, conscious?
Integrated Information Theory (IIT), developed by the neuroscientist
and psychiatrist Giulio Tononi and expanded by Adam Barrett, suggests
that it is not absurd. According to this theory, the spark of
consciousness is the integration of information in a system with
feedback loops. (Roughly: the theory has complexities relating to
systems and subsystems. And—spoiler alert—Tononi has recently
cast doubt on the ability of current computer systems to create the
necessary “maximally irreducible” integrated system from which
consciousness springs.)
It cannot be overstated how slippery consciousness is and how
misleading our intuitive sense of the world is. We all know that our
eyes are constantly darting from one thing to another, have a blind spot
the size of the full moon, and transmit largely black-and-white data
except for the 55 degrees or so in the center of our field of vision.
And yet our vision seems stable, continuous, and fully imbued with
qualities of color and shape. I remember my wonder when, as a child, I
realized that I saw cartoons the same way whether I was sitting up or,
more likely, lying down on the coach. How could that be?
Some people deny that subjective experience is a problem at all. Daniel Dennett is the clearest advocate of this view. His book “Consciousness Explained”
hammers on the slipperiness of “qualia” (the “redness” of 650 nanometer
electromagnetic waves, the “warmth” of 40 degrees Celsius). Dennett’s
arguments are extremely compelling, but have never sufficed to convince
me that there is not what David Chalmers labeled “the Hard Problem”—the problem of experience.
IIT is, at the very least, a bold attempt at a framework for
consciousness that is quantitative and verifiable. A surprising (but
welcome) aspect is that it allows that almost trivially simple machines
could have a minimal consciousness. Such machines would not have the
same qualia as us—their internal stories would not be the same as our
stories, writ in a smaller font. Rather, a minimally conscious machine,
whether attached to a photodiode or a thermistor, would experience a
qualia of one bit of information: the difference between “is” and “not
is.” I think of this as the experience of “!” (a “bang” of experience,
if you will).
Such an experience is as far removed from human consciousness as the
spark made from banging two rocks together is from the roiling
photosphere of the sun. Your cerebral cortex has 20 billion or so deeply
interconnected neurons, and on top of the inherent experiences enabled
by that we’ve layered the profoundly complicating matter of language.
Tononi’s book “Phi: A Voyage from the Brain to the Soul”
presents his theory in chapters featuring metaphorical dialogues
between Galileo and various scientists and philosophers. In this way, it
echoes portions of Douglas Hofstadter’s classic, “Gödel, Escher, Bach,”
which also has positive feedback and recursion as essential ingredients
of consciousness and intelligence (a theme elaborated by Hofstadter in
his equally important, but less popular, “I Am a Strange Loop”).
- See more at:
few months ago, I pondered the growing gap between the way we solve
problems in our day-to-day programming and the way problems are being
solved by new techniques involving Big Data and statistical
machine-learning techniques. The ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
has seen a leap in performance with the widespread adoption of
convolutional neural nets, to the point where “It is clear that humans
will soon only be able to outperform state-of-the-art image
classification models by use of significant effort, expertise, and
time,” according to Andrej Karpathy when discussing his own results of the test.
Is it reasonable to think or suggest that artificial neural nets are, in any way, conscious?
Integrated Information Theory (IIT), developed by the neuroscientist
and psychiatrist Giulio Tononi and expanded by Adam Barrett, suggests
that it is not absurd. According to this theory, the spark of
consciousness is the integration of information in a system with
feedback loops. (Roughly: the theory has complexities relating to
systems and subsystems. And—spoiler alert—Tononi has recently
cast doubt on the ability of current computer systems to create the
necessary “maximally irreducible” integrated system from which
consciousness springs.)
It cannot be overstated how slippery consciousness is and how
misleading our intuitive sense of the world is. We all know that our
eyes are constantly darting from one thing to another, have a blind spot
the size of the full moon, and transmit largely black-and-white data
except for the 55 degrees or so in the center of our field of vision.
And yet our vision seems stable, continuous, and fully imbued with
qualities of color and shape. I remember my wonder when, as a child, I
realized that I saw cartoons the same way whether I was sitting up or,
more likely, lying down on the coach. How could that be?
Some people deny that subjective experience is a problem at all. Daniel Dennett is the clearest advocate of this view. His book “Consciousness Explained”
hammers on the slipperiness of “qualia” (the “redness” of 650 nanometer
electromagnetic waves, the “warmth” of 40 degrees Celsius). Dennett’s
arguments are extremely compelling, but have never sufficed to convince
me that there is not what David Chalmers labeled “the Hard Problem”—the problem of experience.
IIT is, at the very least, a bold attempt at a framework for
consciousness that is quantitative and verifiable. A surprising (but
welcome) aspect is that it allows that almost trivially simple machines
could have a minimal consciousness. Such machines would not have the
same qualia as us—their internal stories would not be the same as our
stories, writ in a smaller font. Rather, a minimally conscious machine,
whether attached to a photodiode or a thermistor, would experience a
qualia of one bit of information: the difference between “is” and “not
is.” I think of this as the experience of “!” (a “bang” of experience,
if you will).
Such an experience is as far removed from human consciousness as the
spark made from banging two rocks together is from the roiling
photosphere of the sun. Your cerebral cortex has 20 billion or so deeply
interconnected neurons, and on top of the inherent experiences enabled
by that we’ve layered the profoundly complicating matter of language.
Tononi’s book “Phi: A Voyage from the Brain to the Soul”
presents his theory in chapters featuring metaphorical dialogues
between Galileo and various scientists and philosophers. In this way, it
echoes portions of Douglas Hofstadter’s classic, “Gödel, Escher, Bach,”
which also has positive feedback and recursion as essential ingredients
of consciousness and intelligence (a theme elaborated by Hofstadter in
his equally important, but less popular, “I Am a Strange Loop”).
- See more at:
few months ago, I pondered the growing gap between the way we solve
problems in our day-to-day programming and the way problems are being
solved by new techniques involving Big Data and statistical
machine-learning techniques. The ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
has seen a leap in performance with the widespread adoption of
convolutional neural nets, to the point where “It is clear that humans
will soon only be able to outperform state-of-the-art image
classification models by use of significant effort, expertise, and
time,” according to Andrej Karpathy when discussing his own results of the test.
Is it reasonable to think or suggest that artificial neural nets are, in any way, conscious?
Integrated Information Theory (IIT), developed by the neuroscientist
and psychiatrist Giulio Tononi and expanded by Adam Barrett, suggests
that it is not absurd. According to this theory, the spark of
consciousness is the integration of information in a system with
feedback loops. (Roughly: the theory has complexities relating to
systems and subsystems. And—spoiler alert—Tononi has recently
cast doubt on the ability of current computer systems to create the
necessary “maximally irreducible” integrated system from which
consciousness springs.)
It cannot be overstated how slippery consciousness is and how
misleading our intuitive sense of the world is. We all know that our
eyes are constantly darting from one thing to another, have a blind spot
the size of the full moon, and transmit largely black-and-white data
except for the 55 degrees or so in the center of our field of vision.
And yet our vision seems stable, continuous, and fully imbued with
qualities of color and shape. I remember my wonder when, as a child, I
realized that I saw cartoons the same way whether I was sitting up or,
more likely, lying down on the coach. How could that be?
Some people deny that subjective experience is a problem at all. Daniel Dennett is the clearest advocate of this view. His book “Consciousness Explained”
hammers on the slipperiness of “qualia” (the “redness” of 650 nanometer
electromagnetic waves, the “warmth” of 40 degrees Celsius). Dennett’s
arguments are extremely compelling, but have never sufficed to convince
me that there is not what David Chalmers labeled “the Hard Problem”—the problem of experience.
IIT is, at the very least, a bold attempt at a framework for
consciousness that is quantitative and verifiable. A surprising (but
welcome) aspect is that it allows that almost trivially simple machines
could have a minimal consciousness. Such machines would not have the
same qualia as us—their internal stories would not be the same as our
stories, writ in a smaller font. Rather, a minimally conscious machine,
whether attached to a photodiode or a thermistor, would experience a
qualia of one bit of information: the difference between “is” and “not
is.” I think of this as the experience of “!” (a “bang” of experience,
if you will).
Such an experience is as far removed from human consciousness as the
spark made from banging two rocks together is from the roiling
photosphere of the sun. Your cerebral cortex has 20 billion or so deeply
interconnected neurons, and on top of the inherent experiences enabled
by that we’ve layered the profoundly complicating matter of language.
Tononi’s book “Phi: A Voyage from the Brain to the Soul”
presents his theory in chapters featuring metaphorical dialogues
between Galileo and various scientists and philosophers. In this way, it
echoes portions of Douglas Hofstadter’s classic, “Gödel, Escher, Bach,”
which also has positive feedback and recursion as essential ingredients
of consciousness and intelligence (a theme elaborated by Hofstadter in
his equally important, but less popular, “I Am a Strange Loop”).
- See more at:
few months ago, I pondered the growing gap between the way we solve
problems in our day-to-day programming and the way problems are being
solved by new techniques involving Big Data and statistical
machine-learning techniques. The ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
has seen a leap in performance with the widespread adoption of
convolutional neural nets, to the point where “It is clear that humans
will soon only be able to outperform state-of-the-art image
classification models by use of significant effort, expertise, and
time,” according to Andrej Karpathy when discussing his own results of the test.
Is it reasonable to think or suggest that artificial neural nets are, in any way, conscious?
Integrated Information Theory (IIT), developed by the neuroscientist
and psychiatrist Giulio Tononi and expanded by Adam Barrett, suggests
that it is not absurd. According to this theory, the spark of
consciousness is the integration of information in a system with
feedback loops. (Roughly: the theory has complexities relating to
systems and subsystems. And—spoiler alert—Tononi has recently
cast doubt on the ability of current computer systems to create the
necessary “maximally irreducible” integrated system from which
consciousness springs.)
It cannot be overstated how slippery consciousness is and how
misleading our intuitive sense of the world is. We all know that our
eyes are constantly darting from one thing to another, have a blind spot
the size of the full moon, and transmit largely black-and-white data
except for the 55 degrees or so in the center of our field of vision.
And yet our vision seems stable, continuous, and fully imbued with
qualities of color and shape. I remember my wonder when, as a child, I
realized that I saw cartoons the same way whether I was sitting up or,
more likely, lying down on the coach. How could that be?
Some people deny that subjective experience is a problem at all. Daniel Dennett is the clearest advocate of this view. His book “Consciousness Explained”
hammers on the slipperiness of “qualia” (the “redness” of 650 nanometer
electromagnetic waves, the “warmth” of 40 degrees Celsius). Dennett’s
arguments are extremely compelling, but have never sufficed to convince
me that there is not what David Chalmers labeled “the Hard Problem”—the problem of experience.
IIT is, at the very least, a bold attempt at a framework for
consciousness that is quantitative and verifiable. A surprising (but
welcome) aspect is that it allows that almost trivially simple machines
could have a minimal consciousness. Such machines would not have the
same qualia as us—their internal stories would not be the same as our
stories, writ in a smaller font. Rather, a minimally conscious machine,
whether attached to a photodiode or a thermistor, would experience a
qualia of one bit of information: the difference between “is” and “not
is.” I think of this as the experience of “!” (a “bang” of experience,
if you will).
Such an experience is as far removed from human consciousness as the
spark made from banging two rocks together is from the roiling
photosphere of the sun. Your cerebral cortex has 20 billion or so deeply
interconnected neurons, and on top of the inherent experiences enabled
by that we’ve layered the profoundly complicating matter of language.
Tononi’s book “Phi: A Voyage from the Brain to the Soul”
presents his theory in chapters featuring metaphorical dialogues
between Galileo and various scientists and philosophers. In this way, it
echoes portions of Douglas Hofstadter’s classic, “Gödel, Escher, Bach,”
which also has positive feedback and recursion as essential ingredients
of consciousness and intelligence (a theme elaborated by Hofstadter in
his equally important, but less popular, “I Am a Strange Loop”).
- See more at:
Mame (standing for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) is an emulator able to load and run classic arcade games on your computer. In the late 90s, one was able to download arcade game's board numerical images (like a backup of the game program, called 'Rom files') from a set of websites. Arcade game lovers were trying to find as much as possible old game's boards in order to extract ROM programs from the physical board and make them available within the MAME emulator (which drives the emulator to support more and more games, by adding more and more emulated environments, as running a game within MAME is like switching on the original game, you have to go through ROM and hardware check like if your were in front of the original game hardware). One of these well none web sites was
While, for years, no one seems to care about those forgotten games brought back to life for free, classic arcade game's owners start to re-distribute their forgotten games on console like XBox or PS (re-discovering that one may be able to make money with those old games), and start to shutdown MAME based web sites, suing them for illegal distribution of games (obvious violation of copyright laws when freely distributing game's ROM files). Nevertheless this copyright infringement issue, MAME community has performed an impressive work of archive, saving thousand of vintage games that would have disappeared otherwise.
So it is quite a good news that many of those old games seem to be available again through this javascript version of the MAME emulator, being able to run and play those cute old games from within a simple web browser.
The Internet Arcade is a web-based library of arcade (coin-operated)
video games from the 1970s through to the 1990s, emulated in JSMAME,
part of the JSMESS software package. Containing hundreds
of games ranging through many different genres and styles, the Arcade
provides research, comparison, and entertainment in the realm of the
Video Game Arcade.
The game collection ranges from early "bronze-age" videogames, with
black and white screens and simple sounds, through to large-scale games
containing digitized voices, images and music. Most games are playable
in s
ome form, although some are useful more for verification of behavior or
programming due to the intensity and requirements of their systems.
Many games have a "boot-up" sequence when first turned on, where the
systems run through a check and analysis, making sure all systems are
go. In some cases, odd controllers make proper playing
of the systems on a keyboard or joypad a pale imitation of the original
experience. Please report any issues to the Internet Arcade Operator, Jason Scott.
If you are encountering issues with control, sound, or other technical problems, read this entry of some common solutions.
Also, Armchair Arcade (a video game review site) has written an excellent guide to playing on the Internet Arcade as well.
As you read this, your neurons are firing – that brain activity can now be decoded to reveal the silent words in your head
TALKING to yourself used to be a strictly private
pastime. That's no longer the case – researchers have eavesdropped on
our internal monologue for the first time. The achievement is a step
towards helping people who cannot physically speak communicate with the
outside world.
"If you're reading text in a newspaper or a book, you hear a voice in your own head," says Brian Pasley
at the University of California, Berkeley. "We're trying to decode the
brain activity related to that voice to create a medical prosthesis that
can allow someone who is paralysed or locked in to speak."
When you hear someone speak, sound waves
activate sensory neurons in your inner ear. These neurons pass
information to areas of the brain where different aspects of the sound
are extracted and interpreted as words.
In a previous study, Pasley and his
colleagues recorded brain activity in people who already had electrodes
implanted in their brain to treat epilepsy, while they listened to
speech. The team found that certain neurons in the brain's temporal lobe
were only active in response to certain aspects of sound, such as a
specific frequency. One set of neurons might only react to sound waves
that had a frequency of 1000 hertz, for example, while another set only
cares about those at 2000 hertz. Armed with this knowledge, the team
built an algorithm that could decode the words heard based on neural activity alone (PLoS Biology,
The team hypothesised that hearing speech
and thinking to oneself might spark some of the same neural signatures
in the brain. They supposed that an algorithm trained to identify speech
heard out loud might also be able to identify words that are thought.
To test the idea, they recorded brain
activity in another seven people undergoing epilepsy surgery, while they
looked at a screen that displayed text from either the Gettysburg Address, John F. Kennedy's inaugural address or the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty.
Each participant was asked to read the
text aloud, read it silently in their head and then do nothing. While
they read the text out loud, the team worked out which neurons were
reacting to what aspects of speech and generated a personalised decoder
to interpret this information. The decoder was used to create a
spectrogram – a visual representation of the different frequencies of
sound waves heard over time. As each frequency correlates to specific
sounds in each word spoken, the spectrogram can be used to recreate what
had been said. They then applied the decoder to the brain activity that
occurred while the participants read the passages silently to
themselves (see diagram).
Despite the neural activity from imagined
or actual speech differing slightly, the decoder was able to reconstruct
which words several of the volunteers were thinking, using neural
activity alone (Frontiers in Neuroengineering,
The algorithm isn't perfect, says
Stephanie Martin, who worked on the study with Pasley. "We got
significant results but it's not good enough yet to build a device."
practice, if the decoder is to be used by people who are unable to
speak it would have to be trained on what they hear rather than their
own speech. "We don't think it would be an issue to train the decoder on
heard speech because they share overlapping brain areas," says Martin.
The team is now fine-tuning their
algorithms, by looking at the neural activity associated with speaking
rate and different pronunciations of the same word, for example. "The
bar is very high," says Pasley. "Its preliminary data, and we're still
working on making it better."
The team have also turned their hand to
predicting what songs a person is listening to by playing lots of Pink
Floyd to volunteers, and then working out which neurons respond to what
aspects of the music. "Sound is sound," says Pasley. "It all helps us
understand different aspects of how the brain processes it."
"Ultimately, if we understand covert
speech well enough, we'll be able to create a medical prosthesis that
could help someone who is paralysed, or locked in and can't speak," he
Several other researchers are also investigating ways to read the human mind. Some can tell what pictures a person is looking at, others have worked out what neural activity represents certain concepts in the brain, and one team has even produced crude reproductions of movie clips
that someone is watching just by analysing their brain activity. So is
it possible to put it all together to create one multisensory
mind-reading device?
In theory, yes, says Martin, but it would
be extraordinarily complicated. She says you would need a huge amount of
data for each thing you are trying to predict. "It would be really
interesting to look into. It would allow us to predict what people are
doing or thinking," she says. "But we need individual decoders that work
really well before combining different senses."
But the TechAeris report suggests copresence will do more than what
GCM does today. Based on a source that scanned the latest Google Play
Services build, numerous references to copresence were found along with
images alluding to peer-to-peer file transfers, similar to how Apple’s
AirDrop works between iOS and OS X. One of the images in the software
appears to be song sharing between an iPhone and an Android device.
Copresence could even be location-based, where the appropriate app
could tell you when other friends are nearby and in range for transfers
or direct communications. Obviously, without an official Google
announcement we don’t know what this project is about. All of the
evidence so far suggests, however, that a new cross-platform
communication method is in the works.
Perhaps that's because, unlike — say — in sales or HR, where
innovation is defined by new management strategies, tech investment is
very product driven. Buying a new piece of hardware or software often
carries the potential for a 'disruptive' breakthrough in productivity or
some other essential business metric. Tech suppliers therefore have a
vested interest in promoting their products as vigorously as possible:
the level of spending on marketing and customer acquisition by some
fast-growing tech companies would turn many consumer brands green with
As a result, CIOs are tempted by an ever-changing array of tech
buzzwords (cloud, wearables and the Internet of Things [IoT] are
prominent in the recent crop) through which they must sift in order to
find the concepts that are a good fit for their organisations, and that
match their budgets, timescales and appetite for risk. Short-term
decisions are relatively straightforward, but the further you look
ahead, the harder it becomes to predict the winners.
Tech innovation in a one-to-three year timeframe
Despite all the temptations, the technologies that CIOs are looking
at deploying in the near future are relatively uncontroversial — pretty
safe bets, in fact. According to TechRepublic's own research, top CIO
investment priorities over the next three years include security,
mobile, big data and cloud. Fashionable technologies like 3D printing
and wearables find themselves at the bottom of the list.
A separate survey from Deloitte reported similar findings: many of
the technologies that CIOs are piloting and planning to implement in the
near future are ones that have been around for quite some time — business
analytics, mobile apps, social media and big data tools, for example.
Augmented reality and gamification were seen as low-priority
This reflects the priorities of most CIOs, who tend to focus on
reliability over disruption: in TechRepublic's research,
'protecting/securing networks and data' trumps 'changing business
requirements' for understandably risk-wary tech chiefs.
Another major factor here is money: few CIOs have a big budget for
bets on blue-skies innovation projects, even if they wanted to. (And
many no doubt remember the excesses of the dotcom years, and are keen to
avoid making that mistake again.)
According to the research by Deloitte, less than 10 percent of the
tech budget is ring-fenced for technology innovation (and CIOs that do
spend more on innovation tend to be in smaller, less conservative,
companies). There's another complication in that CIOs increasingly don't
control the budget dedicated to innovation, as this is handed onto other business units (such as marketing or digital) that are considered to have a more entrepreneurial outlook.
CIOs tend to blame their boss's conservative attitude to risk as the
biggest constraint in making riskier IT investments for innovation and
growth. Although CIOs claim to be willing to take risks with IT
investments, this attitude does not appear to match up with their
current project portfolios.
Another part of the problem is that it's very hard to measure the
return on some of these technologies. Managers have been used to
measuring the benefits of new technologies using a standard
return-on-investment measure that tracks some very obvious costs —
headcount or spending on new hardware, for example. But defining the
return on a social media project or an IoT trial is much more slippery.
Tech investment: A medium-term view
If CIO investment plans remain conservative and hobbled by a limited
budget in the short term, you have to look a little further out to see
where the next big thing in tech might come from.
One place to look is in what's probably the best-known set of predictions about the future of IT: Gartner's Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, which tries to assess the potential of new technologies while taking into account the expectations surrounding them.
The chart grades technologies not only by how far they are from
mainstream adoption, but also on the level of hype surrounding them, and
as such it demonstrates what the analysts argue is a fundamental truth:
that we can't help getting excited about new technology, but that we
also rapidly get turned off when we realize how hard it can be to deploy
successfully. The exotically-named Peak of Inflated Expectations is
commonly followed by the Trough of Disillusionment, before technologies
finally make it up the Slope of Enlightenment to the Plateau of
"It was a pattern we were seeing with pretty much all technologies
— that up-and-down of expectations, disillusionment and eventual
productivity," says Jackie Fenn, vice-president and Gartner fellow, who
has been working on the project since the first hype cycle was published
20 years ago, which she says is an example of the human reaction to any
"It's not really about the technologies themselves, it's about how we
respond to anything new. You see it with management trends, you see it
with projects. I've had people tell me it applies to their personal
lives — that pattern of the initial wave of enthusiasm, then the
realisation that this is much harder than we thought, and then
eventually coming to terms with what it takes to make something work."
The 2014 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies. Image: Gartner
According to Gartner's 2014 list, the technologies expected to reach
the Plateau of Productivity, (where they become widely adopted) within
the next two years include speech recognition and in-memory analytics.
Technologies that might take two to five years until mainstream
adoption include 3D scanners, NFC and cloud computing. Cloud is
currently entering Gartner's trough of disillusionment, where early
enthusiasm is overtaken by the grim reality of making this stuff work:
"there are many signs of fatigue, rampant cloudwashing and
disillusionment (for example, highly visible failures)," Gartner notes.
When you look at a 5-10-year horizon, the predictions include virtual reality, cryptocurrencies and wearable user interfaces.
Working out when the technologies will make the grade, and thus how
CIOs should time their investments, seems to be the biggest challenge.
Several of the technologies on Gartner's first-ever hype curve back in
1995 — including speech recognition and virtual reality — are still on
the 2014 hype curve without making it to primetime yet.
The original 1995 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies. Image: Gartner
These sorts of user interface technologies have taken a long time to
mature, says Fenn. For example, voice recognition started to appear in
very structured call centre applications, while the latest incarnation
is something like Siri — "but it's still not a completely mainstream
interface," she says.
Nearly all technologies go through the same rollercoaster ride,
because our response to new concepts remains the same, says Fenn. "It's
an innate psychological reaction — we get excited when there's something
new. Partly it's the wiring of our brains that attracts us — we want to
keep going around the first part of the cycle where new technologies
are interesting and engaging; the second half tends to be the hard work,
so it's easier to get distracted."
But even if they can't escape the hype cycle, CIOs can use concepts
like this to manage their own impulses: if a company's investment
strategy means it's consistently adopting new technologies when they are
most hyped (remember a few years back when every CEO had to blog?) then
it may be time to reassess, even if the CIO peer-pressure makes it
Says Fenn: "There is that pressure, that if you're not doing it you
just don't get it — and it's a very real pressure. Look at where [new
technology] adds value and if it really doesn't, then sometimes it's
fine to be a later adopter and let others learn the hard lessons if it's
something that's really not critical to you."
The trick, she says, is not to force-fit innovation, but to continually experiment and not always expect to be right.
Looking further out, the technologies labelled 'more than 10 years'
to mainstream adoption on Gartner's hype cycle are the rather
sci-fi-inflected ones: holographic displays, quantum computing and human
augmentation. As such, it's a surprisingly entertaining romp through
the relatively near future of technology, from the rather mundane to the
completely exotic. "Employers will need to weigh the value of human
augmentation against the growing capabilities of robot workers,
particularly as robots may involve fewer ethical and legal minefields
than augmentation," notes Gartner.
Where the futurists roam
Beyond the 10-year horizon, you're very much into the realm where the tech futurists roam.
Steve Brown, a futurist at chip-maker Intel argues that three
mega-trends will shape the future of computing over the next decade.
"They are really simple — it's small, big and natural," he says.
'Small' is the consequence of Moore's Law, which will continue the
trend towards small, low-power devices, making the rise of wearables and
the IoT more likely. 'Big' refers to the ongoing growth in raw
computing power, while 'natural' is the process by which everyday
objects are imbued with some level of computing power.
"Computing was a destination: you had to go somewhere to compute — a
room that had a giant whirring computer in it that you worshipped, and
you were lucky to get in there. Then you had the era where you could
carry computing with you," says Brown.
"The next era is where the computing just blends into the world
around us, and once you can do that, and instrument the world, you can
essentially make everything smart — you can turn anything into a
computer. Once you do that, profoundly interesting things happen,"
argues Brown.
With this level of computing power comes a new set of problems for
executives, says Brown. The challenge for CIOs and enterprise architects
is that once they can make everything smart, what do they want to use
it for? "In the future you have all these big philosophical questions
that you have to answer before you make a deployment," he says.
Brown envisages a world of ubiquitous processing power, where robots are able to see and understand the world around them.
"Autonomous machines are going to change everything,"
he claims. "The challenge for enterprise is how humans will work
alongside machines — whether that's a physical machine or an algorithm
— and what's the best way to take a task and split it into the innately
human piece and the bit that can be optimized in some way by being
The pace of technological development is accelerating: where we used
to have a decade to make these decisions, these things are going to hit
us faster and faster, argues Brown. All of which means we need to make
better decisions about how to use new technology — and will face harder
questions about privacy and security.
"If we use this technology, will it make us better humans? Which
means we all have to decide ahead of time what do we consider to be
better humans? At the enterprise level, what do we stand for? How do we
want to do business?".
Not just about the hardware and software
For many organizations there's a big stumbling block in the way of
this bright future — their own staff and their ways of working. Figuring
out what to invest in may be a lot easier than persuading staff, and
whole organisations, to change how they operate.
"What we really need to figure out is the relationship between humans
and technology, because right now humans get technology massively
wrong," says Dave Coplin, chief envisioning officer for Microsoft (a
firmly tongue-in-cheek job title, he assures me).
Coplin argues that most of us tend to use new technology to do things
the way we've always been doing them for years, when the point of new
technology is to enable us to do things fundamentally differently. The
concept of productivity is a classic example: "We've got to pick apart
what productivity means. Unfortunately most people think process is
productivity — the better I can do the processes, the more productive I
am. That leads us to focus on the wrong point, because actually
productivity is about leading to better outcomes." Three-quarters of
workers think a productive day in the office is clearing their inbox, he
Developing a better relationship with technology is necessary because
of the huge changes ahead, argues Coplin: "What happens when technology
starts to disappear into the background; what happens when every
surface has the capability to have contextual information displayed on
it based on what's happening around it, and who is looking at it? This
is the kind of world we're heading into — a world of predictive data
that will throw up all sorts of ethical issues. If we don't get the
humans ready for that change we'll never be able to make the most of
Nicola Millard, a futurologist at telecoms giant BT, echoes these
ideas, arguing that CIOs have to consider not just changes to the
technology ahead of them, but also changes to the workers: a longer
working life requires workplace technologies that appeal to new recruits
as well as staff into their 70s and older. It also means rethinking the
workplace: "The open-plan office is a distraction machine," she says
— but can you be innovative in a grey cubicle? Workers using tablets
might prefer 'perch points' to desks, those using gesture control may
need more space. Even the role of the manager itself may change —
becoming less about traditional command and control, and more about
being a 'party host', finding the right mix of skills to get the job
In the longer term, not only will the technology change profoundly,
but the workers and managers themselves will also need to upgrade their
But the TechAeris report suggests copresence will do
more than what GCM does today. Based on a source that scanned the latest
Google Play Services build, numerous references to copresence were
found along with images alluding to peer-to-peer file transfers, similar
to how Apple’s
AirDrop works between iOS and OS X. One of the images in the software
appears to be song sharing between an iPhone and an Android device.
Copresence could even be location-based, where the appropriate app
could tell you when other friends are nearby and in range for transfers
or direct communications. Obviously, without an official Google
announcement we don’t know what this project is about. All of the
evidence so far suggests, however, that a new cross-platform
communication method is in the works.
The big languages are popular for a reason: They offer a huge foundation
of open source code, libraries, and frameworks that make finishing the
job easier. This is the result of years of momentum in which they are
chosen time and again for new projects, and expertise in their nuances
grow worthwhile and plentiful.
Sometimes the vast resources of the popular, mainstream programming
languages aren’t enough to solve your particular problem. Sometimes you
have to look beyond the obvious to find the right language, where the
right structure makes the difference while offering that extra feature
to help your code run significantly faster without endless tweaking and
optimizing. This language produces vastly more stable and accurate code
because it prevents you from programming sloppy or wrong code.
The world is filled with thousands of clever languages that aren't C#,
Java, or JavaScript. Some are treasured by only a few, but many have
flourishing communities connected by a common love for the language's
facility in solving certain problems. There may not be tens of millions
of programmers who know the syntax, but sometimes there is value in
doing things a little different, as experimenting with any new language
can pay significant dividends on future projects.
The following nine languages should be on every programmer’s radar. They
may not be the best for every job -- many are aimed at specialized
tasks. But they all offer upsides that are worth investigating and
investing in. There may be a day when one of these languages proves to
be exactly what your project -- or boss -- needs.
Erlang: Functional programming for real-time systems
Erlang began deep inside the spooky realms of telephone switches at
Ericsson, the Swedish telco. When Ericsson programmers began bragging
about its "nine 9s" performance, by delivering 99.9999999 percent of the
data with Erlang, the developers outside Ericsson started taking
Erlang’s secret is the functional paradigm. Most of the code is forced
to operate in its own little world where it can't corrupt the rest of
the system through side effects. The functions do all their work
internally, running in little "processes" that act like sandboxes and
only talk to each other through mail messages. You can't merely grab a
pointer and make a quick change to the state anywhere in the stack. You
have to stay inside the call hierarchy. It may require a bit more
thought, but mistakes are less likely to propagate.
The model also makes it simpler for runtime code to determine what can
run at the same time. With concurrency so easy to detect, the runtime
scheduler can take advantage of the very low overhead in setting up and
ripping down a process. Erlang fans like to brag about running 20
million "processes" at the same time on a Web server.
If you're building a real-time system with no room for dropped data,
such as a billing system for a mobile phone switch, then check out
Go: Simple and dynamic
Google wasn’t the first organization to survey the collection of
languages, only to find them cluttered, complex, and often slow. In
2009, the company released its solution: a statically typed language
that looks like C but includes background intelligence to save
programmers from having to specify types and juggle malloc calls. With
Go, programmers can have the terseness and structure of compiled C,
along with the ease of using a dynamic script language.
While Sun and Apple followed a similar path in creating Java and Swift,
respectively, Google made one significantly different decision with Go:
The language’s creators wanted to keep Go "simple enough to hold in one
programmer's head." Rob Pike, one of Go’s creators, famously told Ars
Technica that "sometimes you can get more in the long run by taking
things away." Thus, there are few zippy extras like generics, type
inheritance, or assertions, only clean, simple blocks of if-then-else
code manipulating strings, arrays, and hash tables.
The language is reportedly well-established inside of Google's vast
empire and is gaining acceptance in other places where dynamic-language
lovers of Python and Ruby can be coaxed into accepting some of the rigor
that comes from a compiled language.
If you're a startup trying to catch Google's eye and need to build some server-side business logic, Go is a great place to start.
Groovy: Scripting goodness for Java
The Java world is surprisingly flexible.
Say what you will about its belts-and-suspenders approach, like
specifying the type for every variable, ending every line with a
semicolon, and writing access methods for classes that simply return the
value. But it looked at the dynamic languages gaining traction and
built its own version that's tightly integrated with Java.
Groovy offers programmers the ability to toss aside all the humdrum
conventions of brackets and semicolons, to write simpler programs that
can leverage all that existing Java code. Everything runs on the JVM.
Not only that, everything links tightly to Java JARs, so you can enjoy
your existing code. The Groovy code runs like a dynamically typed
scripting language with full access to the data in statically typed Java
Groovy programmers think they have the best of both worlds. There's all
of the immense power of the Java code base with all of the fun of using
closures, operator overloading, and polymorphic iteration -- not to
mention the simplicity of using the question mark to indicate a check
for null pointers. It's so much simpler than typing another if-then
statement to test nullity. Naturally, all of this flexibility tends to
create as much logic with a tiny fraction of the keystrokes. Who can't
love that?
Finally, all of the Java programmers who've envied the simplicity of
dynamic languages can join the party without leaving the realm of Java.
OCaml: Complex data hierarchy juggler
Some programmers don't want to specify the types of their variables, and
for them we've built the dynamic languages. Others enjoy the certainty
of specifying whether a variable holds an integer, string, or maybe an
object. For them, many of the compiled languages offer all the support
they want.
Then there are those who dream of elaborate type hierarchies and even
speak of creating "algebras" of types. They imagine lists and tables of
heterogeneous types that are brought together to express complex,
multileveled data extravaganzas. They speak of polymorphism,
pattern-matching primitives, and data encapsulation. This is just the
beginning of the complex, highly structured world of types, metatypes,
and metametatypes they desire.
For them, there is OCaml, a serious effort by the programming language
community to popularize many of the aforementioned ideas. There's object
support, automatic memory management, and device portability. There are
even OCaml apps available from Apple’s App Store.
An ideal project for OCaml might be building a symbolic math website to teach algebra.
CoffeeScript: JavaScript made clean and simple
Technically, CoffeeScript isn't a language. It's a preprocessor that
converts what you write into JavaScript. But it looks different because
it's missing plenty of the punctuation. You might think it is Ruby or
Python, though the guts behave like JavaScript.
CoffeeScript began when semicolon haters
were forced to program in JavaScript because that was what Web browsers
spoke. Changing the way the Web works would have been an insurmountable
task, so they wrote their own preprocessor instead. The result?
Programmers can write cleaner code and let CoffeeScript turn it back
into the punctuation-heavy JavaScript Web browsers demand.
Missing semicolons are only the beginning. With CoffeeScript, you can
create a variable without typing var. You can define a function without
typing function or wrapping it in curly brackets. In fact, curly
brackets are pretty much nonexistent in CoffeeScript. The code is so
much more concise that it looks like a modernist building compared to a
Gothic cathedral. This is why many of the newest JavaScript frameworks
are often written in CoffeeScript and compiled.
Scala: Functional programming on the JVM
If you need the code simplicity of object-oriented hierarchies for your
project but love the functional paradigm, you have several choices. If
Java is your realm, Scala is the choice for you.
Scala runs on the JVM, bringing all the clean design strictures of
functional programming to the Java world by delivering code that fits
with the Java class specifications and links with other JAR files. If
those other JAR files have side effects and other imperative nasty
headaches, so be it. Your code will be clean.
The type mechanism is strongly static and the compiler does all the work
to infer types. There's no distinction between primitive types and
object types because Scala wants everything to descend from one
ur-object call Any. The syntax is much simpler and cleaner than Java;
Scala folks call it "low ceremony." You can leave your paragraph-long CamelCase variable names back in Java Land.
Scala offers many of the features expected of functional languages, such
as lazy evaluation, tail recursion, and immutable variables, but have
been modified to work with the JVM. The basic metatypes or collection
variables, like linked lists or hash tables, can be either mutable or
immutable. Tail recursion works with simpler examples, but not with
elaborate, mutually recursive examples. The ideas are all there, even if
the implementation may be limited by the JVM. Then again, it also comes
with all the ubiquity of the Java platform and the deep collection of
existing Java code written by the open source community. That's not a
bad trade-off for many practical problems.
If you must juggle the data in a thousand-processor cluster and have a pile of legacy Java code, Scala is a great solution.
Dart: JavaScript without the JavaScript
Being popular is not all it's cracked up to be. JavaScript may be used
in more stacks than ever, but familiarity leads to contempt -- and
contempt leads to people looking for replacements. Dart is a new
programming language for Web browsers from Google.
Dart isn't much of a departure from the basic idea of JavaScript. It
works in the background to animate all the DIVs and Web form objects
that we see. The designers simply wanted to clean up the nastier,
annoying parts of JavaScript while making it simpler. They couldn't
depart too far from the underlying architecture because they wanted to
compile Dart down to JavaScript to help speed adoption.
The highlight may be the extra functions that fold in many de facto
JavaScript libraries. You don't need JQuery or any of the other common
libraries to modify some part of the HTML page. It's all there with a
reasonably clean syntax. Also, more sophisticated data types and
syntactic shorthand tricks will save a few keystrokes. Google is pushing
hard by offering open source development tools for all of the major
If you are building a dynamic Web app and are tired of JavaScript, Dart
offers a clean syntax for creating multiple dancing DIVs filled with
data from various Web sources.
Haskell: Functional programming, pure and simple
For more than 20 years, the academics working on functional programming
have been actively developing Haskell, a language designed to
encapsulate their ideas about the evils of side effects. It is one of
the purer expressions of the functional programming ideal, with a
careful mechanism for handling I/O channels and other unavoidable side
effects. The rest of the code, though, should be perfectly functional.
The community is very active, with more than a dozen variants of Haskell
waiting for you to explore. Some are stand-alone, and others are
integrated with more mainstream efforts like Java (Jaskell, Frege) or
Python (Scotch). Most of the names seem to be references to Scotland, a
hotbed of Haskell research, or philosopher/logicians who form the
intellectual provenance for many of the ideas expressed in Haskell. If
you believe that your data structures will be complex and full of many
types, Haskell will help you keep them straight.
Julia: Bringing speed to Python land
The world of scientific programming is filled with Python lovers who
enjoy the simple syntax and the freedom to avoid thinking of gnarly
details like pointers and bytes. For all its strengths, however, Python
is often maddeningly slow, which can be a problem if you're crunching
large data sets as is common in the world of scientific computing. To
speed up matters, many scientists turn to writing the most important
routines at the core in C, which is much faster. But that saddles them
with software written in two languages and is thus much harder to
revise, fix, or extend.
Julia is a solution to this complexity.
Its creators took the clean syntax adored by Python programmers and
tweaked it so that the code can be compiled in the background. That way,
you can set up a notebook or an interactive session like with Python,
but any code you create will be compiled immediately.
The guts of Julia are fascinating. They provide a powerful type
inference engine that can help ensure faster code. If you enjoy
metaprogramming, the language is flexible enough to be extended. The
most valuable additions, however, may be Julia’s simple mechanisms for
distributing parallel algorithms across a cluster. A number of serious
libraries already tackle many of the most common numerical algorithms
for data analysis.
The best news, though, may be the high speeds. Many basic benchmarks run
30 times faster than Python and often run a bit faster than C code. If
you have too much data but enjoy Python’s syntax, Julia is the next
language to learn.
A two-stage attack could allow spies to sneak secrets out of the most
sensitive buildings, even when the targeted computer system is not
connected to any network, researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev in Israel stated in an academic paper describing the refinement of
an existing attack.
The technique,
called AirHopper, assumes that an attacker has already compromised the
targeted system and desires to occasionally sneak out sensitive or
classified data. Known as exfiltration, such occasional communication is
difficult to maintain, because government technologists frequently
separate the most sensitive systems from the public Internet for
security. Known as an air gap, such a defensive measure makes it much
more difficult for attackers to compromise systems or communicate with
infected systems.
Yet, by using a program to create a radio signal using a computer’s
video card—a technique known for more than a decade—and a smartphone
capable of receiving FM signals, an attacker could collect data from
air-gapped devices, a group of four researchers wrote in a paper
presented last week at the IEEE 9th International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software (MALCON).
“Such technique can be used potentially by people and organizations
with malicious intentions and we want to start a discussion on how to
mitigate this newly presented risk,” Dudu Mimran, chief technology
officer for the cyber security labs at Ben-Gurion University, said in a
For the most part, the attack is a refinement of existing techniques. Intelligence agencies have long known—since at least 1985—that
electromagnetic signals could be intercepted from computer monitors to
reconstitute the information being displayed. Open-source projects have turned monitors into radio-frequency transmitters.
And, from the information leaked by former contractor Edward Snowden,
the National Security Agency appears to use radio-frequency devices implanted in various computer-system components to transmit information and exfiltrate data.
AirHopper uses off-the-shelf components, however, to achieve the same
result. By using a smartphone with an FM receiver, the exfiltration
technique can grab data from nearby systems and send it to a waiting
attacker once the smartphone is again connected to a public network.
“This is the first time that a mobile phone is considered in an
attack model as the intended receiver of maliciously crafted radio
signals emitted from the screen of the isolated computer,” the group
said in its statement on the research.
The technique works at a distance of 1 to 7 meters, but can only send
data at very slow rates—less than 60 bytes per second, according to the
Engineers at Stanford University have developed a tiny radio that’s
about as big as an ant and that’s cheap and small enough that it could
help realize the “Internet of things”—the world of everyday objects that
send and receive data via the Internet.
The radio is built on a piece of silicon that measures just a few
millimeters on each side. Several tens of them can fit on the top of a
U.S. penny and the radio itself is expected to cost only a few pennies
to manufacture in mass quantities.
Part of the secret to the radio’s size is its lack of a battery. Its
power requirements are sufficiently frugal that it can harvest the
energy it needs from nearby radio fields, such as those from a reader
device when it’s brought nearby.
RFID tags and contactless smartcards can get their power the same way,
drawing energy from a radio source, but Stanford’s radio has more
processing power than those simpler devices, a university representative
said. That means it could query a sensor for its data, for instance,
and transmit it when required.
The device operates in the 24GHz and 60GHz bands, suitable for communications over a few tens of centimeters.
Engineers envisage a day when trillions of objects are connected via
tiny radios to the Internet. Data from the devices is expected to help
realize smarter and more energy-efficient homes, although quite how it
will all work is yet to be figured out. Radios like the one from
Stanford should help greatly expand the number of devices that can
collect and share data.
The radio was demonstrated by Amin Arbabian, an assistant professor of
electrical engineering at Stanford and one of the developers of the
device, at the recent VLSI Technology and Circuits Symposium in Hawaii.