Via ZDNet

Another day, another set of Android fragmentation stories. And while
there’s no doubt that there is wide fragmentation within the platform,
and there’s not real solution in sight, I’m starting to wonder if Google
ever had a plan to prevent the platform for becoming a fragmented mess.
How bad’s the problem? Jon Evans over on TechCrunch tells it like it is:
OS fragmentation, though, is an utter disaster. Ice Cream
Sandwich is by all accounts very nice; but what good does that do app
developers, when according to Google’s own stats, 30% of all Android
devices are still running an OS that is 20 months old?
More than two-thirds of iOS users had upgraded to iOS 5 a mere three
months after its release. Anyone out there think that Ice Cream Sandwich
will crack the 20% mark on Google’s platform pie chart by March?
He then goes on to deliver the killer blow:
OS fragmentation is the single greatest problem Android
faces, and it’s only going to get worse. Android’s massive success over
the last year mean that there are now tens if not hundreds of millions
of users whose handset manufacturers and carriers may or may not allow
them to upgrade their OS someday; and the larger that number grows, the
more loath app developers will become to turn their back on them. That
unwillingness to use new features means Android apps will fall further
and further behind their iOS equivalents, unless Google manages – via
carrot, stick, or both – to coerce Android carriers and manufacturers to
prioritize OS upgrades.
And that’s the core problem with Android. While there’s no doubt that consumers who’ve bought Android devices are being screwed out of updates that they deserve (the take up of Android 4.0 ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’ is pretty poor so far),
the biggest risk from fragmentation is that developers will ignore new
Android features an instead focus on supporting older but more
mainstream feature sets. After all, developers want to hit the masses,
not the fringes. Also, the more platforms developers have to support,
the more testing work there is.
OK, so Android is fragmented, and it’s a problem that Google doesn’t
seem willing to tackle. But the more I look at the Android platform and
the associated ecosystem, it makes me wonder if Google ever had any plan
(or for that matter intention) to control platform fragmentation.
But could Google have done anything to control fragmentation? Former Microsoftie (and now investor) Charlie Kindel thinks
there no hope to curb fragmentation. In fact, he believes that most
things will make it worse. I disagree with Kindel on this matter. He
also believes that Google’s current strategy amounts to little more
that wishing that everyone will upgrade. On this point we are in total
I disagree with Kindel that that there’s nothing that Google can do
to at least try to discourage fragmentation. I believe that
one of Google’s strongest cards are Android users themselves. Look at
how enthusiastic iPhone and iPad owners are about iOS updates. They’re
enthusiastic because Apple tells them why they should be enthusiastic
about new updates. Compare this to Google’s approach to Android
customers. Google (or anyone else in the chain for that matter) doesn’t
seem to be doing much to get people fired up and enthusiastic about
Android. In fact, it seems to me the only message being given to Android
customers is ‘buy another Android handset.’
I understand that Google isn’t Apple and can’t seem to sway the
crowds in the same way, but it might start to help if the search giant
seemed to care about the OS. The absence of enthusiasm make the seem
Sphinx-like and uncaring. Why should anyone care about new Android
updates when Google itself doesn’t really seem all that excited? If
Google created a real demand for Android updates from the end users,
this would put put pressure on the handset makers and the carriers to
get updates in a timely fashion to users.
Make the users care about updates, and the people standing in the way of those updates will sit up and pay attention to things.
Personal comment:
Google with Android OS is now in a similar place than Microsoft with Windows, and blaming Google to have this disparity of OS versions would be the same than blaming Microsoft on the fact that Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 are still co-existing nowadays. One reason Android got that 'fragged' is that it has to face a rapid evolution of hardware and new kind of devices in a very short time, somehow having a kind of Frankenstein-like experience with its Android creature. Many distinct hardware manufacturers adopt Android, develop their own GUI layer on top of it, making Google having a direct control on the spread of new Android version quite impossible... as each manufacturer may need to perform their own code update prior to propose a new version of Android on their own devices.
The direct comparison with iOS is a kind of unfair as Apple do have a rapid update cycle by controlling every single workings of the overall mechanism: SDK regular updates push developers to adopt new features and forget about old iOS versions and new iDevice's Apps request the end-user to upgrade their iOS version to the last one in order to be able to install new Apps. Meanwhile, Apple is having control on hardware design, production and evolution too, making the propagation of new iOS versions much easier and much faster than it is for Google with Android.
Then, mobile devices (smartphones or tablets) do have a short life timeline and this was already true prior Google and Apple starts acting in this market. So whatever your name is Google or Apple, considering not proposing the very last version of your OS on so-called 'old' or obsolete hardware is a kind of an obvious choice to do. This is not even a 'choice' but more a direct consequence of how fast technology is evolving nowadays.
Now, smartphones and tablets hardware capabilities will reach a 'standard' level to become 'mature' products (all smartphones/tablets do have cameras, video capabilities, editing capabilities etc...) which may make easier for Android to spread over on all devices in a similar version while hardware evolution observes a pause. Already Apple's last innovations are more linked to software than real hardware (r)evolution, so Android may take benefit of this in order to reduce the gap.