Via Wired
He called himself “MSP,” and he appeared out of nowhere, launching a
one-man flame war against a sacred cow of hardcore computing: the
command line.
The venue was TuxRadar, a news and reviews site that shines a
spotlight on the Linux operating system and other open source software.
The site had just published a piece
in praise of the command line — where you interact with a computer by
passing it line after line of text, rather than using a graphical user
interface, or GUI. “The command line isn’t a crusty, old-fashioned way
to interact with a computer, made obsolete by GUIs, but rather a
fantastically flexible and powerful way to perform tasks,” the site
Then MSP appeared with his flame thrower. “There seem to be a number
of obvious errors in the introduction to this article,” he wrote. “The
command line is a crusty, old-fashioned way to interact with a computer,
made obsolete by GUIs, but a small hardcore of people who refuse to
move on still use it.”
As he likely expected, the Linux-happy commenters at TuxRadar didn’t
take kindly to his “corrections.” Dozens vehemently defended the command
line, insisting it still has a very important place in the world of
computing. And they’re right. Though the average computer user has no
need for a command line, it’s still an essential tool for developers and
system adminstrators who require access to guts of our machines — and
it’s not going away anytime soon.
“People drive cars with steering wheels and gas pedals. Does that
mean you don’t need wrenches?” says Rob Pike, who was part of the team
at Bell Labs that developed the UNIX operating system and now works at
Google, where he oversaw the creation of the Go programming language.
Back in ’70s and early ’80s, if you used a computer, you used a
command line. DOS — the disk operating system that runs atop IBM PCs —
used a command line interface, and that’s what UNIX used too. But then
came the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows, and by the mid-’90s,
most of us had moved to GUIs. The GUI is more effective when you’re
navigating an operating system you’re not exactly familiar with, but
also when you’re typing large amounts of text. Your word processor, for
instance, uses a WYSIWYG, or what-you-see-is-what-you-get graphical
“Try creating a complex document in a mark-up language using a text
editor,” writes one commenter on TuxRadar. “It can be done, but
generally using a graphical WYSIWYG interface is a far faster and
accurate approach.”
GUIs have even reinvented the world of software development,
beginning with tools like Visual Basic, before extending coding tasks to
the average joe with new-age tools such as Scratch and Google’s App Inventor.
But among hardcore computer types — i.e., the audience reading
TuxRadar — the command line persists. If you’re a developer or a
sysadmin, there are times when it makes more sense to use the command
line interface, or “shell,” built into operating systems like Linux and
UNIX. “It depends on what you’re doing,” Pike tells Wired. “All
computing, at some level, is abstraction and yet deep down beneath there
are hardware instructions doing the job. It depends on the level you’re
working at.”
In some cases, command line interfaces provide access to lower levels
of a machine’s software and hardware. And they’re often easier to
manipulate with “scripts,” mini text programs that automate processes
for system adminstrators and others.
“Anyone insisting the command line is a relic of a by-gone time is
hopelessly deluded,” argues another commenter in the Tuxradar debate. “I
have a very nice [desktop] set up at home, with lots of graphical
applications, but I just find it quicker to write scripts and use the
shell than to hunt through menus to find what I want.”
But in other cases, geeks like command lines just because you have to
know what you’re doing to use it. You have to know the commands. You
can’t hunt and peck like you do with a GUI.
Pike calls the kerfuffle sparked by MSP a “sterile debate.” But MSP
insists that the command line should disappear. The problem, he writes,
is that GUIs just aren’t as effective as they should be. “When people
using a particular system say ‘the command line is better because it can
do things you can’t do in the GUI’ they are not talking about the
strengths of the command line interface, but about the shortcomings in
the GUI,” he says.
OK. Fine. But until the GUI evolves again, the command is here to stay.