Robert Alexander spends parts of his day listening to a soft white
noise, similar to water falling on the outside of a house during a
rainstorm. Every once in a while, he hears an anomalous sound and marks
the corresponding time in the audio file. Alexander is listening to the
sun’s magnetic field and marking potential areas of interest. After only
ten minutes, he has listened to one month’s worth of data.
Alexander is a PhD candidate in design science at the University of
Michigan. He is a sonification specialist who trains heliophysicists at
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, to pick out
subtle differences by listening to satellite data instead of looking at
Sonification is the process of displaying any type of data or
measurement as sound, such as the beep from a heart rate monitor
measuring a person’s pulse, a door bell ringing every time a person
enters a room, or, in this case, explosions indicating large events
occurring on the sun. In certain cases, scientists can use their ears
instead of their eyes to process data more rapidly -- and to detect more
details – than through visual analysis. A paper on the effectiveness of
sonification in analyzing data from NASA satellites was published in
the July issue of Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.
“NASA produces a vast amount of data from its satellites. Exploring
such large quantities of data can be difficult,” said Alexander.
"Sonification offers a promising supplement to standard visual analysis
Alexander's focus is on improving and quantifying the success of
these techniques. The team created audio clips from the data and shared
them with researchers. While the original data from the Wind satellite
was not in audio file format, the satellite records electromagnetic
fluctuations that can be converted directly to audio samples. Alexander
and his team used custom written computer algorithms to convert those
electromagnetic frequencies into sound. Listen to the following
multimedia clips to hear the sounds of space.
This clip has three distinct sections: a warble noise leading up to a
short knock at slightly higher frequency followed by a quieter segment
containing broadband noise that is both rising and hissing. This clip
gathered from NASA's Wind satellite on Nov. 20, 2007, contains a reverse
shock. This type of event occurs when a fast stream of plasma – that
is, the super hot, charged gas that fills space— is followed by a slower
one, resulting in a shock wave that travels towards the sun.
This audio clip is the previous clip played backwards. Here, trained
listeners will notice the reverse shock event played backwards sounds
similar to forward shock event.
This clip contains audified data from the joint European Space
Agency (ESA) and NASA Ulysses satellite gathered on October 26, 1995.
The participant in Alexander's study was able to detect artificial noise
produced from the instrument, which he did not notice in previous
visual analysis. Here, the artificial noise can be heard as a drifting
Alexander's focus is on using clips like these to quantify and
improve sonification techniques in order to speed up access to the
incredible amounts of data provided by space satellites. For example, he
works with space scientist Robert Wicks at NASA Goddard to analyze the
high-resolution observations of the sun. Wicks studies the constant
stream of particles from our closest star, known as the solar wind – a
wind that can cause space weather effects that interfere with human
technology near Earth. The team uses data from NASA's Wind satellite.
Launched in 1994, Wind orbits a point in between Earth and the sun,
constantly observing the temperature, density, speed and the magnetic
field of the solar wind as it rushes past.
Wicks analyzes changes in Wind's magnetic field data. Such data not
only carries information about the solar wind, but understanding such
changes better might help give a forewarning of problematic space
weather that can affect satellites near Earth. The Wind satellite also
provides an abundance of magnetometer data points, as the satellite
measures the magnetic field 11 times per second. Such incredible amounts
of information are beneficial -- but only if all the data can be
“There is a very long, accurate time series of data, which gives a
fantastic view of solar wind changes and what’s going on at small
scales,” said Wicks. “There's a rich diversity of physical processes
going on, but it is more data than I can easily look through.”
The traditional method of processing the data involves making an
educated assertion about where a certain event in the solar wind -- such
as subtle wave movements made by hot plasma -- might show up and then
visually searching, which can be very time consuming. Instead, Alexander
listens to sped up versions of the Wind data and compiles a list of
noteworthy regions that scientists like Wicks can return to and further
analyze, expediting the process.
In one example, Alexander’s team analyzed data points from the Wind
satellite from November 2007, condensing three hours of real-time
recording to a three second audio clip. To an untrained ear, the data
sounds like a microphone recording on a windy day. When Alexander
presented these sounds to a researcher, however, the researcher could
identify a distinct chirping at the beginning of the audio clip followed
by a percussive event, culminating in a loud boom.
By listening only to the auditory representation of the data, the
study’s participant was able to correctly predict what this would look
like on a more traditional graph. He correctly deduced that that the
chirp would show up as a particular kind of peak on a kind of graph
called a spectrogram, a graph that shows different levels of frequencies
present in the waves that Wind recorded. The researcher also correctly
predicted that the corresponding spectrogram representation of the
percussive event would display a steep slope.
Alexander translates the data into audio files through a process
known as audification, a specific type of sonification that involves
directly listening to raw, unedited satellite data. Translating this
data into audio can be likened to part of the process of collecting
sound from a person singing into a microphone at a recording studio with
reel-to-reel tape. When a person sings into a microphone, it detects
changes in pressure and converts the pressure signals to changes in
magnetic intensity in the form of an electrical signal. The electrical
signals are stored on the reel tape. Magnetometers on the Wind satellite
measure changes in magnetic field directly creating a similar kind of
electrical signal. Alexander writes a computer program to translate this
data to an audio file.
“The tones come out of the data naturally. If there is a frequency
embedded in the data, then that frequency becomes audible as a sound,”
said Alexander.
Listening to data is not new. In a study in 1982, researchers
used audification to identify micrometeroids, or small ring particles,
hitting the Voyager 2 spacecraft as it traversed Saturn's rings. The
impacts were visually obscured in the data but could be easily heard –
sounding like intense impulses, almost like a hailstorm.
However, the method is not often used in the science community
because it requires a certain level of familiarity with the sounds. For
instance, the listener needs to have an understanding of what typical
solar wind turbulence sounds like in order to identify atypical events.
“It’s about using your ear to pick out subtle differences,” Alexander
Alexander initially spent several months with Wicks teaching him how
to listen to magnetometer data and highlighting certain elements. But
the hard work is paying off as analysis gets faster and easier, leading
to new assessments of the data.
“I’ve never listened to the data before,” said Wicks. “It has definitely opened up a different perspective.”