Via IFLScience

We invariably imagine electronic devices to be made from silicon
chips, with which computers store and process information as binary
digits (zeros and ones) represented by tiny electrical charges. But it
need not be this way: among the alternatives to silicon are organic
mediums such as DNA.
DNA computing was first demonstrated in 1994 by Leonard Adleman who encoded and solved the travelling salesman problem, a maths problem to find the most efficient route for a salesman to take between hypothetical cities, entirely in DNA.
Deoxyribonucleaic acid, DNA, can store vast amounts of information
encoded as sequences of the molecules, known as nucleotides, cytosine
(C), guanine (G), adenine (A), or thymine (T). The complexity and
enormous variance of different species’ genetic codes demonstrates how
much information can be stored within DNA encoded using CGAT, and this
capacity can be put to use in computing. DNA molecules can be used to
process information, using a bonding process between DNA pairs known as
hybridisation. This takes single strands of DNA as input and produces
subsequent strands of DNA through transformation as output.
Since Adleman’s experiment, many DNA-based “circuits” have been proposed that implement computational methods such as Boolean logic, arithmetical formulas, and neural network computation. Called molecular programming, this approach applies concepts and designs customary to computing to nano-scale approaches appropriate for working with DNA.

It’s circuitry, but not as we know it. Caltech/Lulu Qian, CC BY
In this sense “programming” is really biochemistry. The “programs”
created are in fact methods of selecting molecules that interact in a
way that achieves a specific result through the process of DNA
self-assembly, where disordered collections of molecules will
spontaneously interact to form the desired arrangement of strands of
DNA ‘Robots’
DNA can also be used to control motion, allowing for DNA-based nano-mechanical devices. This was first achieved by Bernard Yurke and colleagues in 2000, who created from DNA strands a pair of tweezers that opened and pinched. Later experiments such as by Shelley Wickham and colleagues in 2011 and at Andrew Turberfield’s lab at Oxford demonstrated nano-molecular walking machines made entirely from DNA that could traverse set routes.
One possible application is that such a nano-robot DNA walker could
progress along tracks making decisions and signal when reaching the end
of the track, indicating computation has finished. Just as electronic
circuits are printed onto circuit boards, DNA molecules could be used to
print similar tracks arranged into logical decision trees on a DNA
tile, with enzymes used to control the decision branching along the
tree, causing the walker to take one track or another.
DNA walkers can also carry molecular cargo, and so could be used to deliver drugs inside the body.
Why DNA Computing?
DNA molecules’ many appealing features include their size (2nm
width), programmability and high storage capacity – much greater than
their silicon counterparts. DNA is also versatile, cheap and easy to
synthesise, and computing with DNA requires much less energy than
electric powered silicon processors.
Its drawback is speed: it currently takes several hours to compute
the square root of a four digit number, something that a traditional
computer could compute in a hundredth of a second. Another drawback is
that DNA circuits are single-use, and need to be recreated to run the
same computation again.
Perhaps the greatest advantage of DNA over electronic circuits is
that it can interact with its biochemical environment. Computing with
molecules involves recognising the presence or absence of certain
molecules, and so a natural application of DNA computing is to bring
such programmability into the realm of environmental biosensing, or
delivering medicines and therapies inside living organisms.
DNA programs have already been put to medical uses, such as diagnosing tuberculosis. Another proposed use is a nano-biological “program” by Ehud Shapiro of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, termed the “doctor in the cell”
that targets cancer molecules. Other DNA programs for medical
applications target lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell), which are
defined by the presence or absence of certain cell markers and so can be
naturally detected with true/false Boolean logic. However, more effort
is required before we can inject smart drugs directly into living organisms.
Future of DNA Computing
Taken broadly, DNA computation has enormous future potential. Its
huge storage capacity, low energy cost, ease of manufacturing that
exploits the power of self-assembly and its easy affinity with the
natural world are an entry to nanoscale computing, possibly through
designs that incorporate both molecular and electronic components. Since
its inception, the technology has progressed at great speed, delivering
point-of-care diagnostics and proof-of-concept smart drugs – those that
can make diagnostic decisions about the type of therapy to deliver.
There are many challenges, of course, that need to be addressed so
that the technology can move forward from the proof-of-concept to real
smart drugs: the reliability of the DNA walkers, the robustness of DNA
self-assembly, and improving drug delivery. But a century of traditional
computer science research is well placed to contribute to developing
DNA computing through new programming languages, abstractions, and
formal verification techniques – techniques that have already
revolutionised silicon circuit design, and can help launch organic
computing down the same path.

Marta Kwiatkowska is Professor of Computing Systems at University of Oxford
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.