By Stephen Shankland
Adobe Systems has dipped its toes in the HTML5 pool, but starting today
it's taking the plunge with the public preview release of software
called Edge.
For years, the company's answer to doing fancy things on the Web was
Flash Player, a browser plug-in installed nearly universally on
computers for its ability to play animated games, stream video, and
level the differences among browsers.
But allies including Opera, Mozilla, Apple, Google, and eventually even
Microsoft began to advance what could be done with Web standards. The
three big ones here are HTML (Hypertext Markup Language for describing
Web pages), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets for formatting and now animation
effects), and JavaScript (the programming language used for Web apps).
Notably, these new standards worked on new smartphones when Flash either
wasn't available, ran sluggishly, or was barred outright in the case of
iPhones and iPads. Adobe is working hard to keep Flash relevant for
three big areas--gaming, advanced online video, and business apps--but
with Edge, it's got a better answer to critics who say Adobe is living
in the past.
"What we've seen happening is HTML is getting much richer. We're seeing
more workflow previously reserved for Flash being done with Web
standards," said Devin Fernandez, product manager of Adobe's Web Pro
A look at the Adobe Edge interface.
Adobe Systems)
The public preview release is just the beginning for Edge. It lets
people add animation effects to Web pages, chiefly with CSS controlled
by JavaScript. For example, when a person loads a Web page designed with
Edge, text and graphics elements gradually slide into view.
It all can be done today with programming experience, but Adobe aims to
make it easier for the design crowd used to controlling how events take
place by using a timeline that triggers various actions.
As new versions arrive, more features will be added, and Adobe plans to begin selling the finished version of Edge in 2012.
"[For] the first public preview release, we focused on animation,"
Fernandez said. "Over the public preview period, we'll be adding
additional functionality. We'll be incorporating feedback from the
community, taking those requests into account."
The Edge preview product now is available at the Adobe Labs site. Adobe showed an early look at Edge in June.
What exactly is next in the pipeline? Adobe has a number of features in
mind, including the addition of video and audio elements alongside the
SVG, PNG, GIF, and JPEG graphics it can handle now.
Some of the features Adobe has in mind before a planned 2012 release of Edge. (Credit:
Adobe Systems)
Other items on the to-do list:
• More shapes than just rectangles and rounded-corner rectangles.
• Actions that are triggered by events.
• Support for Canvas, an HTML5 standard for 2D drawing surface for
graphics, in particular combined with SVG animation. (Note that Adobe
began the SVG effort while before it acquired Macromedia, whose Flash
technology was a rival to SVG.)
"We still have a lot of features we have not implemented," said Mark Anders, an Adobe fellow working on Edge.
The software integrates with Dreamweaver, Adobe's Web design software
package, or other Web tools. It integrates its actions with the Web page
so that Edge designers can marry their additions with the other
programming work.
The software itself has a WebKit-based browser whose window is prominent
in the center of the user interface. A timeline below lets designers
set events, copy and paste effects to different objects, and make other
scheduling changes.
Adobe, probably not happy with being a punching bag for Apple fans who
disliked Flash, seems eager to be able to show off Edge to counter
critics' complaints. The company will have to overcome skepticism and
educate the market that it's serious, but real software beats keynote
comments any day.
Anders, who before Edge worked on Flash programming tools and led work
on Microsoft's .Net Framework, is embracing the new ethos.
"In the the last 15 years, if you looked at a Web page and saw this, you
would say that is Flash because Flash is the only thing that can do
that. That is not true today," Anders said. "You can use HTML and the
new capabilities of CSS to do this really amazing stuff."