Via Tech Crunch

A lot of top-tier video games enjoy lengthy
long-tail lives with remasters and re-releases on different platforms,
but the effort put into some games could pay dividends in a whole new
way, as companies training things like autonomous cars, delivery drones
and other robots are looking to rich, detailed virtual worlds to
provided simulated training environments that mimic the real world.
Just as companies including Boom can now build supersonic jets with a small team and limited funds,
thanks to advances made possible in simulation, startups like NIO
(formerly NextEV) can now keep pace with larger tech concerns with ample
funding in developing self-driving software, using simulations of
real-world environments including those derived from games like Grand
Theft Auto V. Bloomberg reports
that the approach is increasingly popular among companies that are
looking to supplement real-world driving experience, including Waymo and
Toyota’s Research Institute.
There are some drawbacks, of course: Anyone will tell you that
regardless of the industry, simulation can do a lot, but it can’t yet
fully replace real-world testing, which always diverges in some ways
from what you’d find in even the most advanced simulations. Also, miles
driven in simulation don’t count towards the total miles driven by
autonomous software figures most regulatory bodies will actually care
about in determining the road worthiness of self-driving systems.
The more surprising takeaway here is that GTA V in this instance
isn’t a second-rate alternative to simulation software created for the
purpose of testing autonomous driving software – it proves an incredibly
advanced testing platform, because of the care taken in its open-world
game design. That means there’s no reason these two market uses can’t be
more aligned in future: Better, more comprehensive open-world game
design means better play experiences for users looking for that truly
immersive quality, and better simulation results for researchers who
then leverage the same platforms as a supplement to real-world testing.