Via Asahi shimbun

NTT DoCoMo Inc. has developed a smartphone case featuring a function that measures radiation levels.
The case has a sensor on it that identifies radiation levels, and the results show up on the screen. A special application must be installed to take advantage of the service.
The new feature, using technologies developed by a domestic dosimeter maker, can determine radiation levels from 0.01 microsieverts to 100 millisieverts per hour, the company said. The device also allows people to access measured values by time on a map using the global positioning system available with the carrier's smartphones.
NTT DoCoMo also developed smartphone cases that enable measurements of ultraviolet rays and body fat percentages. These cases can be switched to monitor various health conditions, the company said. Specific dates for marketing the cases have yet to be decided.
Prototypes of the three cases will be exhibited at Ceatec Japan 2011, Japan's largest exhibition on IT and electronics, to be held Oct. 4-8 at the Makuhari Messe convention center in Chiba Prefecture.