Mounting Concerns and Confusion
Stuxnet proved
that any actor with sufficient know-how in terms of cyber-warfare can
physically inflict serious damage upon any infrastructure in the world,
even without an internet connection. In the words of former CIA Director
Michael Hayden:
“The rest of the world is looking at this and saying, ‘Clearly someone
has legitimated this kind of activity as acceptable international
Governments are now alert to the enormous uncertainty created by
cyber-instruments and especially worried about cyber-sabotage against
critical infrastructure. As US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
warned in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee in June 2011;
“the next Pearl Harbor we confront could very well be a cyber-attack
that cripples our power systems, our grid, our security systems, our
financial systems, our governmental systems.” On the other hand, a lack
of understanding about instances of cyber-warfare such as Stuxnet has
led to confused expectations about what cyber-attacks can achieve. Some,
however, remain excited about the possibilities of this new form of
warfare. For example, retired US Air Force Colonel Phillip Meilinger
expects that “[a]… bloodless yet potentially devastating new method of
war” is coming. However, under current technological conditions,
instruments of cyber-warfare are not sophisticated enough yet to deliver
a decisive blow to the adversary. As a result, cyber-capabilities still
need to be used alongside kinetic instruments of war.
Advantages of Cyber-Capabilities
Cyber-capabilities provide three principal advantages to those actors
that possess them. First, they can deny or degrade electronic devices
including telecommunications and global positioning systems in a
stealthy manner irrespective of national borders. This means potentially
crippling an adversary’s intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
capabilities, delaying an adversary’s ability to retaliate (or even
identify the source of an attack), and causing serious dysfunction in an
adversary’s command and control and radar systems.
Second, precise and timely attribution is particularly challenging in
cyberspace because skilled perpetrators can obfuscate their identity.
This means that responsibility for attacks needs to be attributed
forensically which not only complicates retaliatory measures but also
compromises attempts to seek international condemnation of the attacks.
Finally, attackers can elude penalties because there is currently no
international consensus as to what actually constitutes an ‘armed
attack’ or ‘imminent threat’ (which can invoke a state’s right of
self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter) involving cyber-weapons. Moreover, while some countries - including the United States and Japan - insist that the principles of international law apply to the 'cyber' domain, others such as China argue that cyber-attacks “do not threaten territorial integrity or sovereignty.”
Disadvantages of Cyber-Capabilities
On the other hand, high-level cyber-warfare has three major
disadvantages for would-be attackers. First, the development of a
sophisticated ‘Stuxnet-style’ cyber-weapon for use against
well-protected targets is time- and resource- intensive. Only a limited
number of states possess the resources required to produce such weapons.
For instance, the deployment of Stuxnet required arduous reconnaissance and an elaborate testing phase in a mirrored environment. F-Secure Labs
estimates that Stuxnet took more than ten man-years of work to develop,
underscoring just how resource- and labor- intensive a sophisticated
cyber-weapon is to produce.
Second, sophisticated and costly cyber-weapons are unlikely to be adapted for generic use. As Thomas Rid argues in "Think Again: Cyberwar,”
different system configurations need to be targeted by different types
of computer code. The success of a highly specialized cyber-weapon
therefore requires the specific vulnerabilities of a target to remain in
place. If, on the contrary, a targeted vulnerability is ‘patched’, the
cyber-operation will be set back until new malware can be prepared.
Moreover, once the existence of malware is revealed, it will tend to be
quickly neutralized – and can even be reverse-engineered by the target to assist in future retaliation on their part.
Finally, it is difficult to develop precise, predictable, and controllable cyber-weapons for
use in a constantly evolving network environment. The growth of global
connectivity makes it difficult to assess the implications of malware
infection and challenging to predict the consequences of a given
cyber-attack. Stuxnet ,
for instance, was not supposed to leave Iran’s Natanz enrichment
facility, yet the worm spread to the World Wide Web, infecting other
computers and alerting the international community to its existence.
According to the Washington Post ,
US forces contemplated launching cyber-attacks on Libya’s air defense
system before NATO’s airstrikes. But this idea was quickly abandoned due
to the possibility of unintended consequences for civilian
infrastructure such as the power grid or hospitals.
Implications for Military Strategy
Despite such disadvantages, cyber-attacks are nevertheless part of
contemporary military strategy including espionage and offensive
operations. In August 2012, US Marine Corps Lieutenant General Richard Mills confirmed
that operations in Afghanistan included cyber-attacks against the
adversary. Recalling an incident in 2010, he said, "I was able to get
inside his nets, infect his command-and-control, and in fact defend
myself against his almost constant incursions to get inside my wire, to
affect my operations."
His comments confirm that the US military now employs a combination of cyber- and traditional offensive measures in wartime. As Thomas Mahnken
points out in “Cyber War and Cyber Warfare,” cyber-attacks can produce
disruptive and surprising effects. And while cyber-attacks are not a
direct cause of death, their consequences may lead to injuries and loss of life. As Mahnken
argues, it would be inconceivable to directly cause Hiroshima-type
damage and casualties merely with cyber-attacks. While a “cyber Pearl
Harbor” might shock
the adversary on a similar scale as its namesake in 1941, the ability
to inflict a decisive, extensive, and foreseeable blow requires kinetic
support – at least under current technological conditions.
Implications for Critical Infrastructure
Nevertheless, the shortcomings of cyber-attacks will not discourage
malicious actors in peacetime. The anonymous, borderless, and stealthy
nature of the 'cyber' domain offers an extremely attractive asymmetrical
platform for inflicting physical and psychological damage to critical
infrastructure such as finance, energy, power and water supply,
telecommunication, and transportation as well as to society at large.
Since well before Stuxnet, successful cyber-attacks have been launched
against vulnerable yet important infrastructure systems. For example, in
2000 a cyber-attack against an Australian sewage control system resulted in millions of liters of raw sewage leaking into a hotel, parks, and rivers.
Accordingly, the safeguarding of cyber-security is an increasingly
important consideration for heads of state. In July 2012, for example, President Barack Obama published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal
warning about the unique risk cyber-attacks pose to national security.
In particular, the US President emphasized that cyber-attacks have the
potential to severely compromise the increasingly wired and networked
lifestyle of the global community. Since the 1990s, the process control systems
of critical infrastructures have been increasingly connected to the
Internet. This has unquestionably improved efficiencies and lowered
costs, but has also left these systems alarmingly vulnerable to
penetration. In March 2012, McAfee and Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory released a report
which concluded that power grids are rendered vulnerable due to their
common computing technologies, growing exposure to cyberspace, and
increased automation and interconnectivity.
Despite such concerns, private companies may be tempted to prioritize
short-term profits rather than allocate more funds to (or accept more
regulation of) cyber-security, especially in light of prevailing
economic conditions. After all, it takes time and resources to probe
vulnerabilities and hire experts to protect them. Nevertheless,
leadership in both the public and private sectors needs to recognize
that such an attitude provides opportunities for perpetrators to take
advantage of security weaknesses to the detriment of economic and
national security. It is, therefore, essential for governments to
educate and encourage --- and if necessary, fund --- the private sector
to provide appropriate cyber-security in order to protect critical
Implications for Espionage
The sophistication of the Natanz incident, in which Stuxnet was able to exploit Iranian vulnerabilities, stunned the world. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
were employed to find weaknesses by stealing data which made it
possible to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program. Yet APTs can also be used
in many different ways, for example against small companies
in order to exploit larger business partners that may be possession of
valuable information or intellectual property. As a result, both the
public and private sectors must brace themselves for daily cyber-attacks
and espionage on their respective infrastructures. Failure to do so may
result in the theft of intellectual property as well as trade and
defense secrets that could undermine economic competitiveness and
national security.
In an age of cyber espionage, the public and private sectors must also reconsider what types of information should be deemed as “secret,”
how to protect that information, and how to share alerts with others
without the sensitivity being compromised. While realization of the need
for this kind of wholesale re-evaluation is growing, many actors remain
hesitant. Indeed, such hesitancy is driven often out of fears that
doing so may reveal their vulnerabilities, harm their reputations, and
benefit their competitors. Of course, there are certain types of
information that should remain unpublicized so as not to damage the
business, economy, and national security. However, such classifications
must not be abused against balance between public interest and security.
Cyber-Warfare Is Here to Stay
The Stuxnet incident is set to encourage the use of cyber-espionage
and sabotage in warfare. However, not all countries can afford to
acquire offensive cyber-capabilities as sophisticated as Stuxnet and a
lack of predictability and controllability continues to make the
deployment of cyber-weapons a risky business. As a result, many states
and armed forces will continue to combine both kinetic and 'cyber'
tactics for the foreseeable future. Growing interconnectivity also means
that the number of potential targets is set to grow. This, in turn,
means that national cyber-security strategies will need to confront the
problem of prioritization. Both the public and private sectors will have
to decide which information and physical targets need to be protected
and work together to share information effectively.