About the Project
SurPRISE re-examines the relationship between security and privacy,
which is commonly positioned as a ‘trade-off’. Where security measures
and technologies involve the collection of information about citizens,
questions arise as to whether and to what extent their privacy has been
infringed. This infringement of individual privacy is sometimes seen as
an acceptable cost of enhanced security. Similarly, it is assumed that
citizens are willing to trade off their privacy for enhanced personal
security in different settings. This common understanding of the
security-privacy relationship, both at state and citizen level, has
informed policymakers, legislative developments and best practice
guidelines concerning security developments across the EU.
However, an emergent body of work questions the validity of the
security-privacy trade-off. This work suggests that it has
over-simplified how the impact of security measures on citizens is
considered in current security policies and practices. Thus, the more
complex issues underlying privacy concerns and public skepticism towards
surveillance-oriented security technologies may not be apparent to
legal and technological experts. In response to these developments, this
project will consult with citizens from several EU member and
associated states on the question of the security-privacy trade-off as
they evaluate different security technologies and measures.
SurPRISE project
Switzerland SurPRISE project