The Internet of Things is still too hard. Even some of its biggest backers say so.
For all the long-term optimism at the M2M Evolution conference this week
in Las Vegas, many vendors and analysts are starkly realistic about how
far the vaunted set of technologies for connected objects still has to
go. IoT is already saving money for some enterprises and boosting
revenue for others, but it hasn’t hit the mainstream yet. That’s partly
because it’s too complicated to deploy, some say.
For now, implementations, market growth and standards are mostly
concentrated in specific sectors, according to several participants at
the conference who would love to see IoT span the world.
Cisco Systems has estimated
IoT will generate $14.4 trillion in economic value between last year
and 2022. But Kevin Shatzkamer, a distinguished systems architect at
Cisco, called IoT a misnomer, for now.
“I think we’re pretty far from envisioning this as an Internet,”
Shatzkamer said. “Today, what we have is lots of sets of intranets.”
Within enterprises, it’s mostly individual business units deploying IoT,
in a pattern that echoes the adoption of cloud computing, he said.
In the past, most of the networked machines in factories, energy grids
and other settings have been linked using custom-built, often local
networks based on proprietary technologies. IoT links those connected
machines to the Internet and lets organizations combine those data
streams with others. It’s also expected to foster an industry that’s
more like the Internet, with horizontal layers of technology and
multivendor ecosystems of products.
What’s holding back the Internet of Things
The good news is that cities, utilities, and companies are getting more
familiar with IoT and looking to use it. The less good news is that
they’re talking about limited IoT rollouts for specific purposes.
“You can’t sell a platform, because a platform doesn’t solve a problem. A
vertical solution solves a problem,” Shatzkamer said. “We’re stuck at
this impasse of working toward the horizontal while building the
“We’re no longer able to just go in and sort of bluff our way through a
technology discussion of what’s possible,” said Rick Lisa, Intel’s group
sales director for Global M2M. “They want to know what you can do for
me today that solves a problem.”
One of the most cited examples of IoT’s potential is the so-called
connected city, where myriad sensors and cameras will track the movement
of people and resources and generate data to make everything run more
efficiently and openly. But now, the key is to get one municipal project
up and running to prove it can be done, Lisa said.
ThroughTek, based in China, used a connected fan to
demonstrate an Internet of Things device management system at the M2M
Evolution conference in Las Vegas this week.
The conference drew stories of many successful projects: A system for
tracking construction gear has caught numerous workers on camera walking
off with equipment and led to prosecutions. Sensors in taxis detect
unsafe driving maneuvers and alert the driver with a tone and a seat
vibration, then report it to the taxi company. Major League Baseball is
collecting gigabytes of data about every moment in a game, providing
more information for fans and teams.
But for the mass market of small and medium-size enterprises that don’t
have the resources to do a lot of custom development, even targeted IoT
rollouts are too daunting, said analyst James Brehm, founder of James
Brehm & Associates.
There are software platforms that pave over some of the complexity of
making various devices and applications talk to each other, such as the Omega DevCloud,
which RacoWireless introduced on Tuesday. The DevCloud lets developers
write applications in the language they know and make those apps work on
almost any type of device in the field, RacoWireless said. Thingworx,
Xively and Gemalto also offer software platforms that do some of the
work for users. But the various platforms on offer from IoT specialist
companies are still too fragmented for most customers, Brehm said. There
are too many types of platforms—for device activation, device
management, application development, and more. “The solutions are too
He thinks that’s holding back the industry’s growth. Though the past few
years have seen rapid adoption in certain industries in certain
countries, sometimes promoted by governments—energy in the U.K.,
transportation in Brazil, security cameras in China—the IoT industry as a
whole is only growing by about 35 percent per year, Brehm estimates.
That’s a healthy pace, but not the steep “hockey stick” growth that has
made other Internet-driven technologies ubiquitous, he said.
What lies ahead
Brehm thinks IoT is in a period where customers are waiting for more
complete toolkits to implement it—essentially off-the-shelf products—and
the industry hasn’t consolidated enough to deliver them. More companies
have to merge, and it’s not clear when that will happen, he said.
“I thought we’d be out of it by now,” Brehm said. What’s hard about
consolidation is partly what’s hard about adoption, in that IoT is a
complex set of technologies, he said.
And don’t count on industry standards to simplify everything. IoT’s
scope is so broad that there’s no way one standard could define any part
of it, analysts said. The industry is evolving too quickly for
traditional standards processes, which are often mired in industry
politics, to keep up, according to Andy Castonguay, an analyst at IoT
research firm Machina.
Instead, individual industries will set their own standards while
software platforms such as Omega DevCloud help to solve the broader
fragmentation, Castonguay believes. Even the Industrial Internet
Consortium, formed earlier this year
to bring some coherence to IoT for conservative industries such as
energy and aviation, plans to work with existing standards from specific
industries rather than write its own.
Ryan Martin, an analyst at 451 Research, compared IoT standards to human languages.
“I’d be hard pressed to say we are going to have one universal language
that everyone in the world can speak,” and even if there were one, most
people would also speak a more local language, Martin said.