Via ars technica

It's nice to imagine the cloud as an idyllic server room—with faux
grass, no less!—but there's actually far more going on than you'd think.
Maybe you're a Dropbox devotee. Or perhaps you really like streaming Sherlock on Netflix. For that, you can thank the cloud.
In fact, it's safe to say that Amazon Web Services (AWS)
has become synonymous with cloud computing; it's the platform on which
some of the Internet's most popular sites and services are built. But
just as cloud computing is used as a simplistic catchall term for a
variety of online services, the same can be said for AWS—there's a lot
more going on behind the scenes than you might think.
If you've ever wanted to drop terms like EC2 and S3 into casual
conversation (and really, who doesn't?) we're going to demystify the
most important parts of AWS and show you how Amazon's cloud really
Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2)
Think of EC2 as the computational brain behind an online application
or service. EC2 is made up of myriad instances, which is really just
Amazon's way of saying virtual machines. Each server can run multiple
instances at a time, in either Linux or Windows configurations, and
developers can harness multiple instances—hundreds, even thousands—to
handle computational tasks of varying degrees. This is what the elastic
in Elastic Cloud Compute refers to; EC2 will scale based on a user's
unique needs.
Instances can be configured as either Windows machines, or with
various flavors of Linux. Again, each instance comes in different sizes,
depending on a developer's needs. Micro instances, for example, only
come with 613 MB of RAM, while Extra Large instances can go up to 15GB.
There are also other configurations for various CPU or GPU processing
Finally, EC2 instances can be deployed across multiple regions—which
is really just a fancy way of referring to the geographic location of
Amazon's data centers. Multiple instances can be deployed within the
same region (on separate blocks of infrastructure called availability
zones, such as US East-1, US East-2, etc.), or across more than one
region if increased redundancy and reduced latency is desired
Elastic Load Balance (ELB)
Another reason why a developer might deploy EC2 instances across
multiple availability zones and regions is for the purpose of load
balancing. Netflix, for example,
uses a number of EC2 instances across multiple geographic location. If
there was a problem with Amazon's US East center, for example, users
would hopefully be able to connect to Netflix via the service's US West
instances instead.
But what if there is no problem, and a higher number of users are
connecting via instances on the East Coast than on the West? Or what if
something goes wrong with a particular instance in a given availability
zone? Amazon's Elastic Load Balance allows developers to create multiple
EC2 instances and set rules that allow traffic to be distributed
between them. That way, no one instance is needlessly burdened while
others idle—and when combined with the ability for EC2 to scale, more
instances can also be added for balance where required.
Elastic Block Storage (EBS)
Think of EBS as a hard drive in your computer—it's where an EC2
instance stores persistent files and applications that can be accessed
again over time. An EBS volume can only be attached to one EC2 instance
at a time, but multiple volumes can be attached to the same instance. An
EBS volume can range from 1GB to 1TB in size, but must be located in
the same availability zone as the instance you'd like to attach to.
Because EC2 instances by default don't include a great deal of local
storage, it's possible to boot from an EBS volume instead. That way,
when you shut down an EC2 instance and want to re-launch it at a later
date, it's not just files and application data that persist, but the
operating system itself.
Simple Storage Service (S3)
Unlike EBS volumes, which are used to store operating system and
application data for use with an EC2 instance, Amazon's Simple Storage
Service is where publicly facing data is usually stored instead. In
other words, when you upload a new profile picture to Twitter, it's not
being stored on an EBS volume, but with S3.
S3 is often used for static content, such as videos, images or music,
though virtually anything can be uploaded and stored. Files uploaded to
S3 are referred to as objects, which are then stored in buckets. As
with EC2, S3 storage is scalable, which means that the only limit on
storage is the amount of money you have to pay for it.
Buckets are also stored in regions, and within that region “are redundantly stored on multiple devices across multiple facilities.”
However, this can cause latency issues if a user in Europe is trying to
access files stored in a bucket within the US West region, for example.
As a result, Amazon also offers a service called CloudFront, which
allows objects to be mirrored across other regions.
While these are the core features that make up Amazon Web Services,
this is far from a comprehensive list. For example, on the AWS landing
page alone, you'll find things such as DynamoDB, Route53, Elastic
Beanstalk, and other features that would take much longer to detail
However, if you've ever been confused about how the basics of AWS
work—specifically, how computational data and storage is provisioned and
scaled—we hope this gives you a better sense of how Amazon's brand of
cloud works.
Correction: Initially, we confused regions in AWS with
availability zones. As explains in the comments of this
article, "availability Zones are actually "discrete" blocks of
infrastructure ... at a single geographical location, whereas the
geographical units are called Regions. So for example, EU-West is the
Region, whilst EU-West-1, EU-West-2, and EU-West-3 are Availability
Zones in that Region." We have updated the text to make this point