Monday, March 25. 2013
Via Rob Miles

new SDK for the Kinect sensor is now available for free download. This
brings with it a whole ton of upgrades for those who want to make their
computers more aware of their surroundings. There are new sensor modes
and all kinds of good stuff. There is also a sizeable gallery of sample
programs which you can just play with. This makes it worth a look even
if you don’t intend to write any programs for the sensor, but just want
to get a feel for the kinds of wonderful things it can do.
highlight, which I’m really looking forward to playing with, is “Kinect
Fusion”. This lets you use the sensor as kind of hand held 3D scanner.
You wave the Kinect around a scene and the program will build up a 3D
model of what is in front of it. You’ll need a fairly beefy graphics
card in your PC to make it work quickly (it uses the power of the GPU to
crunch the scene data), but the results look really impressive. I’m
really looking forward to printing little plastic models of me that I
can give as Christmas presents…
You can download the SDK from here.
Tuesday, February 07. 2012
Via Channel 9
As everyone reading this blog, and those in the Kinect for Windows
space, knows today is a big day. From what was a cool peripheral for
the XBox 360 last year, the Kinect for Windows SDK and now dedicated
Kinect for Windows hardware device, has taken the world by storm. In the
last year we've seen some simply amazing ideas and projects, many
highlighted here in the Kinect for Windows Gallery, from health to
education, to music expression to simply just fun.
And that was all with beta software and a device meant for a gaming console.
With a fully supported, allowed for use in commercial products, dedicated device and updated SDK, today the world changes again.
Welcome to the Kinect for Windows SDK v1!
On January 9th, Steve Ballmer announced at CES that we would be shipping Kinect for Windows on February 1st. I am very pleased to report that today version 1.0 of our SDK and runtime
were made available for download, and distribution partners in our
twelve launch countries are starting to ship Kinect for Windows
hardware, enabling companies to start to deploy their solutions. The
suggested retail price is $249, and later this year, we will offer
special academic pricing of $149 for Qualified Educational Users.
In the three months since we released Beta 2, we have made many improvements to our SDK and runtime, including:
- Support for up to four Kinect sensors plugged into the same computer
- Significantly
improved skeletal tracking, including the ability for developers to
control which user is being tracked by the sensor
- Near Mode for
the new Kinect for Windows hardware, which enables the depth camera to
see objects as close as 40 centimeters in front of the device
- Many API updates and enhancements in the managed and unmanaged runtimes
- The latest Microsoft Speech components (V11) are now included as part of the SDK and runtime installer
- Improved “far-talk” acoustic model that increases speech recognition accuracy
- New
and updated samples, such as Kinect Explorer, which enables developers
to explore the full capabilities of the sensor and SDK, including audio
beam and sound source angles, color modes, depth modes, skeletal
tracking, and motor controls
- A commercial-ready installer which
can be included in an application’s set-up program, making it easy to
install the Kinect for Windows runtime and driver components for
end-user deployments.
- Robustness improvements including driver stability, runtime fixes, and audio fixes
More details can be found here.
If you're like me, you want to know more about what's new... So here's a snip from the Kinect for Windows SDK v1 Release Notes;
5. Changes since the Kinect for Windows SDK Beta 2 release
- Support for up to 4 Kinect sensors
plugged into the same computer, assuming the computer is powerful
enough and they are plugged in to different USB controllers so that
there is enough bandwidth available. (As before, skeletal tracking can
only be used on one Kinect per process. The developer can choose which
Kinect sensor.)
· Skeletal Tracking
- The
Kinect for Windows Skeletal Tracking system is now tracking subjects
with results equivalent to the Skeletal Tracking library available in
the November 2011 Xbox 360 Development Kit.
- The Near Mode feature is now available. It is only functional on Kinect for Windows Hardware; see the Kinect for Windows Blog post for more information.
- Robustness improvement including driver stability, runtime and audio fixes.
- API Updates and Enhancements
- Many renaming changes to both the managed and native APIs for consistency and ease of development. Changes include:
- Consolidation of managed and native runtime components into a minimal set of DLLs
- Renaming of managed and native APIs to align with product team design guidelines
- Renaming of headers, libs, and references assemblies
- Significant managed API improvements:
- Consolidation of namespaces into Microsoft.Kinect
- Improvements to DepthData object
- Skeleton data is now serializable
- Audio API improvements, including the ability to connect to a specific Kinect on a computer with multiple Kinects
- Improved error handling
- Improved initialization APIs, including addition the Initializing state into the Status property and StatusChanged events
- Set
Tracked Skeleton API support is now available in native and managed
code. Developers can use this API to lock on to 1 or 2 skeletons, among
the possible 6 proposed.
- Mapping APIs: The
mapping APIs on KinectSensor that allow you to map depth pixels to color
pixels have been updated for simplicity of usage, and are no longer
restricted to 320x240 depth format.
- The
high-res RGB color mode of 1280x1024 has been replaced by the similar
1280x960 mode, because that is the mode supported by the official Kinect
for Windows hardware.
- Frame event
improvements. Developers now receive frame events in the same order as
Xbox 360, i.e. color then depth then skeleton, followed by an
AllFramesReady event when all data frames are available.
Correct FPS for High Res Mode
ColorImageFormat.RgbResolution1280x960Fps15 to ColorImageFormat.RgbResolution1280x960Fps12
Enum Polish
Added Undefined enum value to a few Enums: ColorImageFormat, DepthImageFormat, and KinectStatus
Depth Values
DepthImageStream now defaults IsTooFarRangeEnabled to true (and removed the property).
the depth values that are returnable (800-4000 for DepthRange.Default
and 400-3000 for DepthRange.Near), we also will return the following
DepthImageStream.TooNearDepth (for things that we know are less than the DepthImageStream.MinDepth)
DepthImageStream.TooFarDepth (for things that we know are more than the DepthImageStream.MaxDepth)
DepthImageStream.UnknownDepth (for things that we don’t know.)
Serializable Fixes for Skeleton Data
We’ve added the SerializableAttribute on Skeleton, JointCollection, Joint and SkeletonPoint
Mapping APIs
Performance improvements to the existing per pixel API.
Added a new API for doing full-frame conversions:
void MapDepthFrameToColorFrame(DepthImageFormat depthImageFormat,
short[] depthPixelData, ColorImageFormat colorImageFormat,
ColorImagePoint[] colorCoordinates);
Added KinectSensor.MapSkeletonPointToColor()
public ColorImagePoint MapSkeletonPointToColor(SkeletonPoint skeletonPoint, ColorImageFormat colorImageFormat);
Renamed Skeleton.Quality to Skeleton.ClippedEdges
Changed return type of SkeletonFrame.FloorClipPlane to Tuple<int, int, int, int>.
Removed SkeletonFrame.NormalToGravity property.
· Audio & Speech
- The
Kinect SDK now includes the latest Microsoft Speech components (V11
QFE). Our runtime installer chain-installs the appropriate runtime
components (32-bit speech runtime for 32-bit Windows, and both 32-bit
and 64-bit speech runtimes for 64-bit Windows), plus an updated English
Language pack (en-us locale) with improved recognition accuracy.
- Updated acoustic model that improves the accuracy in the confidence numbers returned by the speech APIs
- Kinect Speech Acoustic Model has now the same icon and similar description as the rest of the Kinect components
- Echo
cancellation will now recognize the system default speaker and attempt
to cancel the noise coming from it automatically, if enabled.
- Kinect Audio with AEC enabled now works even when no sound is coming from the speakers. Previously, this case caused problems.
- Audio initialization has changed:
- C++ code must call NuiInitialize before using the audio stream
- Managed code must call KinectSensor.Start() before KinectAudioSource.Start()
- It takes about 4 seconds after initialize is called before audio data begins to be delivered
- Audio/Speech samples now wait for 4 seconds for Kinect device to be ready before recording audio or recognizing speech.
· Samples
- A sample browser has been added, making it easier to find and view samples. A link to it is installed in the Start menu.
- ShapeGame
and KinectAudioDemo (via a new KinectSensorChooser component)
demonstrate how to handle Kinect Status as well as inform users about
erroneously trying to use a Kinect for Xbox 360 sensor.
- The
Managed Skeletal Viewer sample has been replaced by Kinect Explorer,
which adds displays for audio beam angle and sound source
angle/confidence, and provides additional control options for the color
modes, depth modes, skeletal tracking options, and motor control. Click
on “(click for settings)” at the bottom of the screen for all the bells
and whistles.
- Kinect Explorer (via an
improved SkeletonViewer component) displays bones and joints
differently, to better illustrate which joints are tracked with high
confidence and which are not.
- KinectAudioDemo no longer saves unrecognized utterances files in temp folder.
- An example of AEC and Beam Forming usage has been added to the KinectAudioDemo application.
- Redistributable Kinect for Windows Runtime package
- There
is a redist package, located in the redist subdirectory of the SDK
install location. This redist is an installer exe that an application
can include in its setup program, which installs the Kinect for Windows
runtime and driver components.
Wednesday, August 24. 2011
Via ars technica
At the Google I/O conference earlier this year, Google revealed that
the Android Market would come to the Google TV set-top platform. Some
evidence of the Honeycomb-based Google TV refresh surfaced in June when screenshots from developer hardware were leaked. Google TV development is now being opened to a broader audience.
In a post on the official Google TV blog, the search giant has announced the availability of a Google TV add-on
for the Android SDK. The add-on is an early preview that will give
third-party developers an opportunity to start porting their
applications to Google TV.
The SDK add-on will currently only work on Linux desktop systems
because it relies on Linux's native KVM virtualization system to provide
a Google TV emulator. Google says that other environments will be
supported in the future. Unlike the conventional phone and tablet
versions of Android, which are largely designed to run on ARM devices,
the Google TV reference hardware uses x86 hardware. The architecture
difference might account for the lack of support in Android's
traditional emulator.
We are planning to put the SDK add-on to the test later this week so
we can report some hands-on findings. We suspect that the KVM-based
emulator will offer better performance than the conventional Honeycomb
emulator that Google's SDK currently provides for tablet development.
In addition to the SDK add-on, Google has also published a detailed user interface design guideline document
that offers insight into best practices for building a 10-foot
interface that will work will on Google TV hardware. The document
addresses a wide range of issues, including D-pad navigation and
television color variance.
The first iteration of Google TV flopped in the market and didn't see
much consumer adoption. Introducing support for third-party
applications could make Google TV significantly more compelling to
consumers. The ability to trivially run applications like Plex could
make Google TV a lot more useful. It's also worth noting that Android's
recently added support for game controllers and other similar input
devices could make Google TV hardware serve as a casual gaming console.
Friday, June 17. 2011
Via slashgear
Microsoft has released the Kinect for Windows SDK beta, as expected,
allowing PC developers to use the motion-tracking accessory. A free
100MB download, the SDK offers support for the depth sensor, color
camera and quad-microphone array, along with all the clever
skeletal-tracking systems that Xbox 360 game developers have had access

There’s also integration with Windows’ speech recognition API. That
potentially means developers will be able to use the microphone array –
which can pinpoint which user is talking thanks to beam formation – to
transcribe speech to text, open and control applications, and more.
Microsoft has thrown in plenty of technical documentation, samples,
all the drivers you’ll need and support for C++, C#, or Visual
Basic. This current iteration of the SDK is only for non-commercial
purposes; Microsoft says it will be releasing a commercial version
later on. You’ll obviously need a Kinect sensor, too, which currently
costs around $140.
Kinect for Windows SDK beta
Friday, June 03. 2011
Via Slashgear
Peter Chou already unveiled HTCdev and the OpenSense SDK during his Uplinq 2011 appearance
yesterday, but the company has now fleshed out the details of the
developer-friendly proposal. Set to launch properly this coming summer,
HTCdev will offer developers guidance and tools to create apps for, and
modify, HTC smartphones. Meanwhile, the new SDK will allow for
integration with some of HTC’s custom tweaks to its range.
For instance, HTC had promised that third-party developers would be
able to code apps that take advantage of the digital stylus accompanying
the HTC Flyer,
and it’s the OpenSense SDK which will unlock the APIs for them to do
that. It will also allow them to use the 3D display as on the EVO 3D.
Right now, interested developers can sign up for more information at ahead of both program and SDK going live in the next few months. The project follows HTCpro,
launched last year to offer mobile consulting and app development, and
comes on the heels of HTC’s announcement that, moving forward, it would
be unlocking the bootloaders on its Android phones.
Tuesday, May 10. 2011
Via SlashGear
During today’s opening keynote for Google I/O, they touched on all the major topics that folks were anticipating including Android Ice Cream Sandwich, Google Music, and Google TV,
but they also added some unexpected developments. One of them being
their new Android Open Accessory initiative, that will allow developers
to create their own hardware accessories that can be controlled by

The Android Open Accessory system is built on open-source Arduino. It
will will allow externally accessories connect to an Android-powered
device via USB and eventually Bluetooth. This could essentially mean the
start of a whole slew of “Made for Android” devices such as docks,
speakers, or even an exercise bike. This opens up a whole world of
possibilities now for external accessories to work with Android.
Google is offering an Android Device Kit or ADK for developers. The
kit comes with a sample implementation in the form of a USB accessory
along with all the hardware design files, the code for the accessory’s
firmware, and the Android application that interacts with the accessory.
Android Open Accessory Development Kit