What happens when you combine advances
in 3D printing with biosynthesis and molecular construction?
Eventually, it might just lead to printers that can manufacture vaccines
and other drugs from scratch: email your doc, download some medicine,
print it out and you're cured.
This concept (which is surely being worked on as we speak) comes from Craig Venter, whose idea of synthesizing DNA on Mars
we posted about last week. You may remember a mention of the
possibility of synthesizing Martian DNA back here on Earth, too: Venter
says that we can do that simply by having the spacecraft email us
genetic information on whatever it finds on Mars, and then recreate it
in a lab by mixing together nucleotides in just the right way. This sort
of thing has already essentially been done by Ventner, who created the world's first synthetic life form back in 2010.
Vetner's idea is to do away with complex, expensive and centralized
vaccine production and instead just develop one single machine that can
"print" drugs by carefully combining nucleotides, sugars, amino acids,
and whatever else is needed while u wait. Technology like this would
mean that vaccines could be produced locally, on demand, simply by
emailing the appropriate instructions to your closes drug printer.
Pharmacies would no longer consists of shelves upon shelves of different
pills, but could instead be kiosks with printers inside them.
Ultimately, this could even be something you do at home.
While the benefits to technology like this are obvious, the risks are
equally obvious. I mean, you'd basically be introducing the Internet
directly into your body. Just ingest that for a second and think about
everything that it implies. Viruses. LOLcats. Rule 34. Yeah, you know
what, maybe I'll just stick with modern American healthcare and making
ritual sacrifices to heathen gods, at least one of which will probably
be effective.