Via makezine

Included tangibles are as follows:
- iMSO-104 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Hardware
- 1x/10 Analog Probe
- Logic Harness (4 Digital + 1 Ground)
- SMD Grabbers (4 Digital + 1 Ground)
- Screwdriver for Analog Waveform Compensation Adjustment
- Analog tip covers (2 pieces)
The core hardware, based on the Cypress PSoC 3 chip, is housed in a
slim enclosure with requisite Apple dock connector, SMB jack for the
analog probe, and 5-pin male header to accommodate 4 digital channels +
ground. The included set of probes appear well-built, and I estimate
they’d withstand the level abuse my other test equipment is subject to.
The unit also includes a small blue LED power indicator which turns off
whenever the device’s related software becomes inactive.

The iMSO’s software portion is available for free as a Universal app
and includes an interactive demo mode to give you an idea of how the
unit handles analog signals. The app implements standard digital scope
functionality (zoom, trigger, cursor/measurement) with thankfully little
UI clutter. In addition to standard menu controls, users can employ
familiar pinch-to-zoom gestures as well as control voltage trigger level
via onscreen sliders, and double-tap to toggle display infos.

Right off the bat, I was intrigued at the thought of using the iPad’s
9.7? display and touch input for highly portable ‘scoping. And yes,
viewing a sinewave in such a manner does feel satisfyingly slick and
moreover, imbues Apple’s hardware with an air of technical
sophistication rarely achieved while editing a Pages document or playing
Angry Birds. The iMSO software was easily controllable via my iPhone,
but I really can’t imagine using it much on that platform when given the
option of a much larger display.
While it won’t replace my big ol’ 50MHz CRT benchtop dinosaur, the
iMSO’s comparatively humble 5MHz analog bandwidth works well for
inspecting audio signals (which I do quite often). Additionally, max
voltage limits on the devices inputs (±40V analog 10x, -0.5V/+13V
digital) mean I’m likely to reserve use exclusively for low-power audio
work. On the digital side, the unit did prove capable when I attempted
peeking in on some serial communications between an Arduino board and
MCP4921 DAC chip.
The fact that iOS devices use a single port for both power &
data, means you’ll have to rely on battery power while using the iMSO.
Thankfully, the device + software went easy on my iPad 2?s battery – so
power is likely only a concern for those who plan on marathon
testing/debugging sessions.
The ~$300 pricetag and bandwidth limitations will likely limit the
iMSO’s initial audience – but if those points don’t pose a problem for
you, well, this thing is pretty dang sweet. As the IMSO-104 is the
first in its category, It will be interesting to see what future
developments hold for iOS test equipment – see, we shall.