Via Businessweek
By Elizabeth Dwoskin
New advertising tools from the social media giant let campaigns find and target voters
Charlie Neibergall/AP Photo
Michele Bachmann wants to be your friend.
So much so that her campaign is scouring your travels on Facebook for
the things that matter to you most. Then she can place a customized
message on your page assuring you that those things are important to
her, too.
Bachmann did this to great effect in August, when she won the
Republican straw poll in Iowa in part by zeroing in on the Facebook
pages of potential supporters who lived nearby. Facebookers who had
identified themselves as Tea Party supporters or Christian rock fans, or
who had posted messages in favor of tax cuts or against abortion, found
an ad from Bachmann waiting for them on their profile page in the weeks
before the vote, asking for their support and directing them to a link
where they could arrange a free ride to the polling place. Bachmann’s
campaign says a significant portion of the people who pushed her over
the top in Iowa—they won’t say how many—came as a result of the ad
While some candidates are still trying to get their heads around
social media —Rick Perry has been known to block people he doesn’t like
from following him on Twitter—Bachmann and other well-funded candidates,
including Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, are putting Facebook at the
center of their campaign strategies. Working with Facebook’s Washington
office, they are taking advantage of just-released advertising tools the
company is marketing to politicians.
The software allows candidates to target campaign ads to individuals
in ways that weren’t possible a few months ago, reaching them on a site
where they spend a lot of time and are less likely to tune out the
pitch. “They may not know we’re looking for them,” says Rebecca
Donatelli of Campaign Solutions, a social media consulting firm in
Alexandria, Va., which was hired by Bachmann. “So we have to give them
the opportunity to be found.”
Unlike expensive radio and TV ads, which are blasted out to thousands
or millions of people and hit the eyes and ears of as many opponents as
supporters, these appeals are often aimed at just a few hundred or even
a few dozen potential voters who may never have expressed interest in
the candidate. The ads use information Facebook constantly collects
about its users to connect with people. “In the last 45 days, I’ve
designed over 1,000 ads,” says Michael Beach, a GOP consultant working
for Romney.
The campaigns are able to churn out so many ads because Facebook
makes it cheap and easy to do, especially compared with TV spots or even
Google (GOOG)
Ads, which can reach many more people but not necessarily the ones most
likely to respond favorably. Facebook ads can be had for 50¢ or less
per click—and by counting those clicks, the campaigns know within
minutes whether they’re working.
“We’ll throw out four or five different messages targeting different
demographics,” says Michael Hendrix, a Dallas-based consultant who works
with Donatelli on the Bachmann campaign. “You’re trying to figure out
which message will drive a higher response.”
Hendrix’s latest Facebook project is what he refers to as “the
gamification of politics.” In virtual reality games such as Facebook’s
popular FarmVille, he sees a demographic frontier for Republicans in
2012. He has written software, to be launched later this year, that will
allow FarmVille players to get active in politics within the game.
Their online characters will be able to go door to door to other
players’ imaginary farms, campaigning for real-life candidates and
placing yard signs on their lawns. Hendrix is blunt about his
intentions. “The majority of social gamers are stay-at-home moms over
38,” says Hendrix. And they vote. He hopes to use the game “to target
soccer moms again.”
Facebook’s voter-sifting tools are the same as those it markets to
corporations. (Sometimes the same people use the tools for politics and
commerce; in addition to his work for Bachmann, Hendrix handles social
media for Moët Hennessy (LVMUY),
the Champagne maker.) But the pitch is different. The company has
stocked its Washington operation with political pros who speak the
language of campaigns and elections.
In 2007, Facebook hired Adam Conner, then a 23-year-old Democrat
staffer on the House Rules Committee, to help the company break into the
capital. He started out slow, teaching politicians the basics of
setting up a Facebook page. Democratic politicians were happy to hear
Conner’s social media spiel, but some Republicans viewed him with
suspicion. So in February, Facebook hired Katie Harbath, a 30-year-old
digital strategist for the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
Around the office, they’re jokingly known as “the R” and “the D.”
Facebook’s post-industrial space in downtown D.C., where guests are
invited to write on the walls with brightly colored Sharpies, may be the
most un-Washington workplace in the city. “What I push with folks is
that, while the fan count matters, how many people are interacting with
it really matters,” says Harbath, who is one of a dozen people working
for Facebook in Washington. “How many people are liking it, commenting
on it, sharing it with their friends.”
Which raises an important question: Is the effort and money Bachmann
and her rivals put into all this liking, commenting, and sharing
bringing tangible results that can be measured in volunteers, donations,
and ultimately votes next November? The answer is: They don’t know yet.
No one has figured out how to “monetize the like,” says Donatelli. What
Facebook provides at the moment is an efficient way to reach someone
without having to reach everyone and an enormous platform to get a
message across without interference from the conventional media. “It’s
not in the sheer numbers, but in the intensity of your followers,”
Donatelli says. She says that Bachmann fans tend to be issue-driven and
feverishly post and cross-post on Facebook, keeping the candidate’s name
in the conversation even as her poll numbers slide compared with
Romney’s and Perry’s.
Ultimately, Bachmann’s team believes conversation will translate into
action and money, like they say it did in Iowa this summer. Otherwise,
they say, they wouldn’t bother wasting precious resources on it. “What’s
the point of having a fan or a follower if they don’t do anything?”
says Donatelli. “At the end of the day, this is a persuasion tool.”
The bottom line: Presidential candidates are targeting potential supporters with Facebook ads, which can cost less than 50¢ a click.