Via OStatic
By Sam Dean
that Chromebooks--portable computers based on Google's Chrome OS--are
maturing, it's easier to gauge the prospects for Google's first-ever
operating system. As Jon Buys discussed
here on OStatic, these portables have a number of strong points.
However, there are criticisms appearing about them, too, and some of
them echo ones made here on OStatic before.
Specifically, Chrome OS imposes a very two-fisted, cloud-centric model
for using data and applications, where traditional, local storage of
data and apps is discouraged. Recently, Google has sought to close
this gap with its own apps, allowing users to work with its Gmail,
Calendar and Docs apps offline. Will these moves help boost Chrome OS
and use of Chromebooks? In enterprises, they may do so.
Google officials have explained the logic behind allowing offline usage of key Google apps in this post, where they write:
world doesn’t slow down when you’re offline and it’s a great feeling to
be productive from anywhere, on any device, at any time. We’re pushing
the boundaries of modern browsers to make this possible, and while we
hope that many users will already find today’s offline functionality
useful, this is only the beginning. Support for offline document editing
and customizing the amount of email to be synchronized will be coming
in the future. We also look forward to making offline access more widely
available when other browsers support advanced functionality (like
background pages)."
While Google had previously
announced its intent to deliver this offline functionality, the need for
it was undoubtedly accelerated by some of the criticisms of the way
Chrome OS forces users to work almost exclusively in the cloud. It's
also not accidental that the offline capabilities are focused on Google
applications that enterprises care about: mail, document-creation apps,
Guillermo Garron has gone so far as to reverse his previous
criticisms of Chrome OS based on the new offline functionality, as seen in his post here. He writes:
is something specially good for Chromebooks. Now they are not just new
toys, they can be real productive tools…now Chromebooks are ready for
Prime Time at least to do what they were designed for, with no
Researchers at Microsoft have produced
data before that shows that most people use a maximum of five software
applications on a regular basis. In delivering offline functionality for
mail, document creation, and other absolutely key tasks for working
people, Google is hedging the cloud-only bet that it made with Chrome OS
upon its debut. It's the right move for Google to be making, and is
likely to help win over some enterprises that would find working
exclusively in the cloud to be too limiting.