Coming just a year after the creation of the first carbon nanotube computer chip,
scientists have just built the very first actual computer with a
central processor centered entirely around carbon nanotubes. Which means
the future of electronics just got tinier, more efficient, and a whole
lot faster.
Built by a
group of engineers at Stanford University, the computer itself is
relatively basic compared to what we're used to today. In fact,
according to Suhasish Mitra, an electrical engineer at Stanford and
project co-leader, its capabilities are comparable to an Intel
4004—Intel's first microprocessor released in 1971. It can switch
between basic tasks (like counting and organizing numbers) and send data
back to an external memory, but that's pretty much it. Of course, the
slowness is partially due to the fact the computer wasn't exactly built
under the best conditions, MIT Technology Review explains:
"Don't let that fool you, though—this is just the first step. Last
year, IBM proved that carbon nanotube transistors can run about three
times as fast as the traditional silicon variety, and we'd already
managed to arrange over 10,000 carbon nanotubes onto a single chip. They
just hadn't connected them in a functioning circuit. But now that we
have, the future is looking awfully bright."
carbon nanotube computing would be an order of magnitude faster that
what we've seen thus far with any material. And since carbon nanotubes
naturally dissipate heat at an incredible rate, computers made out of
the stuff could hit blinding speeds without even breaking a sweat. So
the speed limits we have using silicon—which doesn't do so well with
heat—would be effectively obliterated.
The future
of breakneck computing doesn't come without its little speedbumps,
though. One of the problems with nanotubes is that they grow in a
generally haphazard fashion, and some of them even come out with
metallic properties, short-circuiting whatever transistor you decided to
shove it in. In order to overcome these challenges, the researchers at
Stanford had to use electricity to vaporize any metallic nanotubes that
cropped up and formulated design algorithms that would be able to
function regardless of any nanotube alignment problems. Now it's just a
matter of scaling their lab-grown methods to an industrial level—easier
said than done.
Still, despite the limitations at hand, this huge advancement just put another nail in silicon's ever-looming coffin.
Image: Norbert von der Groeben/Stanford